Friday, May 2, 2008

Welcome back, Bobby Murcer!

Great to have Bobby back in the broadcast booth, though let's watch out for roid rage.

Now, can we send Michael ("If You See") Kay back to doing Bowling For Dollars on that Poughkeepsie UHF station? Please??

1 comment:

BernBabyBern said...

Dear Hank Steinbrenner:

We know you can't move into the starting rotation. Still, there are two things you can do this year that will make Yankee fans very, very happy:

1. Get Bernie Williams back at the ballpark this year for a Bernie Williams Day.

2. Honor Bobby Murcer at Old Timers Day this year with either a plaque or, better yet, by adding his name to the "retired numbers" list for No. 1. For four decades, no one has been a better ambassador for the team, and he fans absolutely love the guy. For what he's done for this team, he deserves it.

Those two things will get the biggest standing ovations of the year (except maybe the expiration of Pavano's contract).

C'mon, Hank. Make it happen!