Monday, June 3, 2024

A Shattered City Sends Out a Desperate Plea for Help.


Gotham City needs a hero.

The usual Jokers have left Madison Square Garden a ruin, as the Knicks' and Rangers' 13-2 playoff start crashed to a 4-10 finish. 

Their grand total now stands at 3 championships in 161 seasons.

The Penguin Polar Bear has the Mets slumping toward fourth place, as usual, while The Riddler is baffling the Giants' and Jets' seasons already. 

Elsewhere in this vast metropolis, The Sandman has put the Nets, Devils, and Islanders to sleep. Or, to be honest, kept them in their decades-long slumbers.

We need to send out the beacon. No, not that beacon. This one:

All right, so it's not really a beacon so much as a neon light, between what looks like a house plant and maybe a canary cage.

Still. It all comes down to us. 

Since the Giants' last Super Bowl triumph, New York's pro teams have gone a combined 122 seasons without winning a ring. 

Back in the day, fans used to rush out to the airport to greet their heroes when they came back from a road trip like the one your New York Yankees just returned from. In certain, much-slandered, New York cities they still do that.

We need to rally the whole city behind our only remaining Bat heroes. The time is now. Or, you know, in October.


TheWinWarblist said...

The Master used to describe the uniforms: Interlocking NY on the caps.

I love that. Interlocking NY on the caps.

AboveAverage said...

You either leave and become a hero or sign a contract long enough to become a villain,

Rufus T. Firefly said...


You're looking a little pale. Did you run into a vampire?

AboveAverage said...

Roofinator ->


I only hope that the cure happens quickly

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I think Otto Preminger's version of Victor Fries suffered from the same ailment.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I must not be paying attention. When did the masthead change???

TheWinWarblist said...

When are we going to a game? And which game are we going to see? The NY Yankees? Or the Hudson Valley Renegades?

Inquiring curmudgeons want to know.

Fuck Hal and CashBrain.

AboveAverage said...

I'll be at the Yankees game in Oakland on Saturday September 22 @ 1:07 PM for the last time in Oakland.

Front row again.

It may be unwaveringly unpleasant HOWEVER last year we were witness to a perfect game.

WHO knows what's in das cards for this year.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Winnie, I vote for August 21 renegades (vs. Nationals affiliate) and August 22 at the bar near the stadium against the INDIANS. I would go to both.

But I am too lazy, selfish and unreliable to organize. Multiple people can confirm this.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

AA, the shadow knows. 📻

AboveAverage said...

You mean Alec Baldwin?

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Lamont Cranston

AboveAverage said...

Exactly my point

13bit said...

Weekday day game is best...

TheWinWarblist said...

I can do a weekday game.