Saturday, June 29, 2024

Twilight of the Gods

 Martin Mull

"Midgets are the last people to know it's raining,
and the first to know it's a flood."

Orlando Cepeda 

"Right from the beginning, I fell in love with (San Francisco.) We played more day games then, so I usually had at least two nights a week free. On Thursdays, I would always go to the Copacabana to hear the Latin music. On Sundays, after games, I'd go to the Jazz Workshop for the jam sessions. At the Blackhawk, I'd hear Miles Davis, John Coltrane. … I just loved that town."


Doug K. said...

"Or-lando Ce-peda he's at bat with the bases jammed.
Or-lando Ce-peda with a wham bam he hit a grand slam
In the very first inning but it's only the beginning..."

Danny Kaye D-O-D-G-E-R-S

Martin Mull

Easily in the Pantheon of Comic Greats. And singer of perhaps the best gospel song of all time...

HoraceClarke66 said...

Loved Martin Mull, loved Orlando Cepeda!

Even at the end, as a DH for the Red Sox with his knees gone, he could still hit the ball. Much like Stanton, he couldn't leg out a double, but he could hit!

Rufus T. Firefly said...


Thanks for the link. Not really a gospel fan, MM rocks that one!