Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ben Rice gets the call

 The Yankees have made a move. Rice up to the Bronx. He could play tonight. Dare we dream?


BTR999 said...

If not now, when?

JM said...

Watch. The kid will do really well, and late in the summer, Rizzo will rehab and then rejoin the lineup just in time to help us lose whatever we're trying to win at that point.

Forget it, Jake. It's Cashmantown.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Pretty good, JM! Though who knows? Joining the Yankees means subjecting yourself to the very heart of the Injury Machine known as its training and coaching staff.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Good correction of my 1973 post by Der Kaiser, who points out that the 2005 Padres, at 82-80, were actually a little worse than the 1973 Mets, as worst-record-ever division winners.

(The Mets were supposed to play the second game of a doubleheader with the Cubs on the last day of the season, but it got canceled due to "lack of interest." That would've really pissed me off if I'd been at Wrigley.)

I share the Kaiser's concern that some day, a sub-.500 team is going to take a division title—or maybe a wild card—and get hot enough to grab a World Series title.

HoraceClarke66 said...

And Publius, yes, I enjoyed writing Reggie's description of his 1977 celebration in "Becoming Mr. October"—though I'm sure he told the exact same story to other chroniclers of his. What a fabulous night—and cross-country trip—that must've been!

Publius said...

Hoss, it's such a great story and so well told. A welcome antidote to Roger Angell's ungenerous account of postgame Reggie too. Really, how can you not love the guy?. Must admit I heard it on an audiobook...Reggie narrating...during a longish drive of my own. May have added to the charm.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Thanks, Publius! And yeah, audio is often the way to go. I find that—on those rare occasions when I exercise—audiobooks distract the mind better than music.

HoraceClarke66 said...

JM, I realize it was a typo, but please don't ever write, "Judge may be wearing a cast..."

My heart can't take it.

BTR999 said...

From YES:
New York placed RHP Ian Hamilton (right lat strain) and RHP Cody Poteet (right triceps strain) on the 15-day IL.
In a pair of corresponding roster moves, New York is calling up lefty Anthony Misiewicz and right-hander Clayton Andrews from Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre.

Ham will be gone for a while, Po might be a phantom stint.

Missy has been mostly meh @SWB, Andrews beyond awful, and is mop up / blow our worthy only.

Big Ben starting at 1B, batting 6th for no compelling reason in the whole goddam universe

JM said...

Hoss, did I say Judge? Oh crap. Tempting the gods...

JM said...

Surely we have better arms to bring up. And don't call me Shirley.

This organization blows.

BTR999 said...

For me Gomez is legit, but is a starter. Apparently there is some kind of law somewhere saying a starter can’t be used as a reliever.
Next would be De Los Santos, no better than Misiewicz. Beyond that nada, zip, nuthin, the { }

JM said...

Too bad Warren can't get it together.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

The intern is scouring dumpsters as we speak. It will be, as they say, a bargain.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

There's hope for this game. Bonehead is not managing.

I wish Cone could just call the game by hisself.

JM said...

Fun German note: Rutschman means "slide man", as in "to slide."

Not so good at it, I guess.

JM said...

I was wondering who the bland blah blah announcer was. Girardi, of course.

JM said...

Nestor doesn't cover first. Not even a couple steps.

Girardi making excuses.

Wezil1 said...

I am having to watch TNT - who are these announcers? Sounds like Costas but isn’t?
I am a little worried I am too negative about our team. My wife seems to believe whatever the Yankee press releases say and tells me I should stop being negative - even find another team. She is a real Yankee fan- but IMO that doesn’t mean denying reality about the owner and general manager, does it? OR that the Yankees lie about injuries. And just about everything coming out of the front office needs to be closely scrutinized, doesn’t it?
I dislike Costas even with the sound off

Rufus T. Firefly said...


Glassman with a meaningful hit!

Pocono Steve said...

Rice is nice!

Pocono Steve said...

Torres wishes his out had been less productive.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Is that kid's name really "Ben" Rice? His nickname has to be Uncle Ben.

JM said...

It isn't Aunt Jemima.

Judge pulled. Hopefully just as a precaution.

Scottish Yankee fan said...

There goes the season

Im not going to hope for it being a minor injury as it never is with us

JM said...

Keep your sunny side up, Scot. Might just be a bruise.

Yeah, I'm hoping...

TheWinWarblist said...

Poteet is neat, but Rice is nice!

Unwavering curmudgeonlyness!

AboveAverage said...

it has been a very busy day in above averageville today.

that said - did someone earlier state that judge was going to be put in a cast?

boy he and "Nobody Beats but they sure do Breaks the Rizz" must really be close.

anyone see the actual play?

what wuz the impact like?

was it Betts-Like?

HoraceClarke66 said...

A great spirit is moved from the world. Willie Mays is dead.

AboveAverage said...

Yes he is - sadness.

Pocono Steve said...

Rice's big first game grows less impressive with each AB.

BTR999 said...

I took one for the team tonight, as I started Suarez on my woebegone fantasy team.

Pocono Steve said...

Here goes Holmes again

Pocono Steve said...

What an asshole

Pocono Steve said...

Good thing it wasn't a one-run lead though he's not finished yet.

Hinkey Haines said...

It’s Pineapple Express time.

JM said...

God, he sucks. Not a closer. Why was it so obvious to us and the geniuses didn't notice?

JM said...

RIP, Willie. One of the true greats.

ranger_lp said...

Yankees Win!!!

Pocono Steve said...

Woo hoo!

Hinkey Haines said...


JM said...

Cone and Girardi pumping for Holmes. Disgraceful.

Pocono Steve said...

Lucky all that hard contact landed in gloves.

TheWinWarblist said...

ThethuhuhAaaaah-ha-ahaahaUhuhuhuh-uhty-uhty-uhty aaaahhhh Yankees wiiiiinnnnn !!!!!!!!!!!

TheWinWarblist said...

ThethuhuhAaaaah-ha-ahaahaUhuhuhuh-uhuhtyuh-uhuhty-uhuhtyuh-aaaahhhh Yankees wiiiiinnnnn !!!!!!!!!!!

Pocono Steve said...

JM--they were also praising the 7-through-nine production, but they must have been watching a different game. LeMahieu's flyouts are getting more and more impressive!

BTR999 said...

This might’ve been Cortes’ best effort this year.

Hopefully nothing broken with Judge

BTR999 said...

Nothing from Boone of course

BTR999 said...

Judge spoke after game x-ray, CT scan negative. Said he could grip a bat, wants to play tomorrow

HoraceClarke66 said...

Yeah, just saw that! GREAT news. (Despite JM's eerie effort to will it into being. Rrrrrr! Everybody step AWAY from the juju, please!)

DickAllen said...

Hoss, would you provide us with a proper eulogy for the Say Hey Kid? You’re the only man to do it.

AboveAverage said...

It appears that Judge’s Control is by his own hand. Good for him for presenting the results himself. I kinda like this guy