Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Above Average's Haiku Tuesday: The "When I'm 64 - 24" edition





13bit said...


el duque said...

I think I could make that.

Doug K. said...

Sure. That game seems doable.

As a side note: I'm going to the Renegades game on June 12th with a friend and his family so I'll be sitting with them but would love to say howdy to anyone who is going that day. Winnie?

HoraceClarke66 said...

Can't do 8/22; have a book promotion in CT I have to do that evening. But don't let that stop everyone.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Picking up on Doug's comments:

—Incredibly, there ARE worse right sides of the infield in the AL. Notably Boston's, Oakland's, Detroit's, Chicago's, at least according to baseball reference's WAR calculations.

But point taken. Rizzo does NOT look to be over his concussion. Gleyber is Gleyber. Something must be done.

—As for the bullpen, well, our boys DO have the third-best one in the league, going by the same baseball ref figures.

I'm not saying this will last, or that it doesn't need bolstering. This is far from the 1998-1999 collection of The Great One, Stanton, Nelson, Mendoza, and Lloyd.

BUT...could it be that your modern reliever is much like your modern running back in pro football? Wherein if you have at least a basic level of competence, most of them can regularly get you through, as long as the rest of the team's good?

I mean, so many guys pitching so few innings against so many teams ensures that almost no one sees them very often. I know this could all change tomorrow. But so far, I'm amazed at how these palookas have held up.

Doug K. said...

Hoss - Day game. You can make your signing. Where in Connecticut? If it's Stanford or Greenwich I'll drive you there myself.

AboveAverage said...

Rewatching the Rizzo NYY concussion impact - his bell appeared as if it were rung by Mike Tyson in his prime after taking a hefty dose of Compound V.

However - this isn't Rizzo's first concussion:


Rufus T. Firefly said...


Of course it was the ASStros.

Carl J. Weitz said...

Whatever day is chosen, before you buy, my relationship with the VP of Ticket Sales wife might give us an advantage in pricing, seating, and amenities. No, I'm not having an affair with Sherri but since my first attempt several years ago, I and mutual friends now go to dinner every month or so and, at this point, I feel confident this could score concessions.

AboveAverage said...

Alway nice to use one’s connections…….

JM said...

I could make the 22nd. Leaving for Germany a few days later, so it works for me.

Carl, for God's sake...why AREN'T you having an affair with Sherri? Think of the perks. I'm sure we'd all cover for you when you need an alibi.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Not too many weekday games, as usual. But it would be a shame if our esteemed baseball historian is unable to attend. (and duque and mr. bit and LBJ) The usual suspects.

AboveAverage said...

I likely will not be able to attend on 08/22 unless someone knows of a cross country pneumatic tube system that I can use to make the trip:


(see what I did there, Roofus?)

(( one of Jerry Goldsmith's last great scores ))

Rufus T. Firefly said...

You are a crafty one, Mr. A.

And I don't mean the etsy type.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I assume that the left coast is out of transporter range?

Have you considered cloning?

Hinkey Haines said...

August 22 works for me. As I expect to continue enjoying my time in the liminal space between unemployment & retirement for at least a more months, I’d be happy to help with arrangements.

AboveAverage said...

I would hate to sacrifice what remains of our Dilithium crystal stockpile to attempt transporting to the Stadium, especially if there a flux in the matter to anti matter particle regeneration. Imagine if I rematerialize inside Cashman or Boone. What an unfortunate mess that would be.

Cloning would be a possibility if it didn’t cost 273 times the cost of round trip airfare and accommodations.

TheWinWarblist said...

Doug, June 12 is possible? But I may have to play hooky from the hospitals.

Rufus T. Firefly said...


Per JM's comment, I'd swear you were in Vermont anytime you need an alibi. Expecially if she looks like Wilbur's wife.

Carl J. Weitz said...

@ Rufus...she's 65/66, slim, about 5'5", and has stringy blonde, shoulder-length hair and a lot of facial and body freckles. Several body tattoos on the legs, shoulders, and sides. I have to watch what I type but don't think her hubby reads this blog. Let's say that theirs is not a match made in heaven. She isn't bad-looking but the only way that she looks like Wilbur's wife is after a fifth or more of Hennessy.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Carl, she sounds like she can get her freak on, as long as you have Hennessey.