You know that line by olde Bill Shakespeare, "A coward dies a thousand times... the valiant only taste of death but once...?"
Little known fact: He was referring to Yank fans - particularly, readers of IT IS HIGH.
Yeah, call us cowards, clods, Killjoys - whatever. We grew up being told that the New York fucking Yankees were America's greatest sports empire - nothing else close - and we watched them become the Knickerbockers.
Yes, we shall always feel defeats more painfully than - say - fans of the KC Royals. Deal with it. KC has Mahomes. KC has Kelsey. KC has two recent Super Bowls. KC has Bobby Witt Jr. KC has the Sunshine Band. What KC does not have is a Nepo-Baby owner who clings to a legacy that ended a quarter century ago. If the Shakes Man were here today, he'd say, "A Yankee fan dies 70 times - and that's a wild card season."
On that note, some advice. Run, because the 2025 Yankees are doomed.
I'm talking about a looming summer of pain like nothing we've seen since the days of Dooley Womack and Steve Whitaker. Nope, Royals fans cannot imagine such a debacle. This will be the toughest summer in Hal Steinbrenner's life.
Why do I feel this way? The omens...
1. There are still two weeks until Opening Day. Thus far, the Yankees lose one key player every week. If they maintain this injury rate, two more critical lug nuts will go down by opening day. Who will it be? An outfielder? A catcher? Bullpen. Dunno. But just watch...
2. It's still a small sample, but the early precincts are reporting on Jasson Dominguez. He's playing almost every day, leads the team with 32 at-bats. The Martian is hitting .219 with 1 HR and 9 strikeouts - one K in three ABs. He's looked lost in LF. We can officially start to worry. The Yankees are committed to him. If he fails, if he's just not ready for prime time, the bottom of the lineup will go dark in April and May.
3. Four weeks ago, the Yankees were shopping Marcus Stroman and pondering a six-man rotation. Now, they are talking up Will Warren. If Clarke Schmidt continues to miss time due to a bad back, they'll be going with Carlos Carrasco, who was signed off the scrap heap last month. From Cole to Carrasco... wow.
4. I cannot say which is more frightening: Losing Giancarlo Stanton for the year, or having him try to come back in - say - August, when he cannot run. Yes, he had a great October. But his decline in health has been coming for a long time. It's here. Two bad elbows? In my life as a fan, I've never heard of a player suffering from two tennis elbows at the same time. Dear God.
5. Remember that hot in-house competition for 3B, which was supposed to energize the infield? Well, we're back to Oswald/Oswaldo - a March exercise now entering its third year. Neither has hit. I suppose we prefer Oswaldo - the smile, the glove - but he's now 26, two years older than Oswald. Is he a switch-hitter? Is this a platoon? Does anybody know? I just feel as if we've been here before, in each of the last two years. Nothing has changed, and the floor is about to give out.
Yes, I understand that the AL East looks rather sickly, and the Rays will have to play games on Yankee soil. (Actually, I think this will energize the franchise, as their fans get to escape that giant ping pong ball.) I think we're facing a Tankathon year.
Listen: If so, we can still enjoy a summer of complaining, whining, ridiculing - of kicking their fat, bloated carcass around the Bronx until there's nothing left that even Pizza Rat would haul away. Keep your powder dry. But it's going to be crazy. What happens if a Yankee fan dies 90 deaths...?
Oh my god…..E D is right…..
Hope Lange Wishes
No AA, he's just trying to scare us into lowering our win predictions so he can clean up at 83 Wins.
Oh, ok. If that’s all it is then…
90 losses!!! We haven’t plumbed those depths since ‘91, the days of Kevin No Maas and Mel (lock up your daughters) Hall. I’ll forego my prediction until our annual prediction picks, where I gave no doubt I’ll be wrong again,
Seriously, it is inexcusable that the team sits on hundred of millions in profit every year while refusing to build a roster with depth (plumbed or otherwise) and being content to live off past glories.
If only we had a Dooley Womack. Even Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley Womack.
Instead, we can just hang down our heads and cry.
Hotter than she was often given credit for.
Isn't Igawa still under contract ?
He could be the Kei to a winning 2025 season ! *
* ヤンキースは最悪だ !
"This will be the toughest summer in Hal Steinbrenner's life."
Seriously, Duque! With that line, I knew you were hamming it up. HAL lives a fucking charmed life. He makes so much money that he has to buy losing Italian soccer franchises in order to generate losses for tax shelter purposes. Would that all of us suckers had the same problem! Hey, if I had to get a tax shelter, maybe I'd buy SEARS....
The Martian ain't really hitting yet. That much is true. Could be that he's just getting back in the groove. Or maybe he's spending so much time in left field that he's forgotten how to hit. Or maybe he's playing through another injury. You know how the Yankees love to hide injuries.
Aaron Judge is hitting .077, I believe. With a sub .400 OPS. Spring training. Pitchers are usually ahead of the hitters. I'd rather guys have terrible springs than great ones. Because if they're hot in spring training, you know they'll get off to an 0-for start in the regular season for at least a few weeks.
So how long do we wait for Jasson Dominguez to get going? These kind of projects take years. Bernie Williams SUCKED for at least 2-3 years before he really got going. I thought The Martian would be different, but I could be wrong. Might take years for him to get going as well. My Momma said, you can't hurry rooks. Oh no, you just have to wait. You know wins don't come easy. Cuz it's a game of give and take.
Cabrera scratched from today’s lineup. Boone said he was “sick”, once again substituting brevity for clarity.
My wife thinks Stanton plays tennis with two rackets and that explains the elbows. I buy it.
If a Yankees fan dies 90 deaths, then maybe one of those reincarnations will be George Steinbrenner.
Also, WTF is wrong with Baboone? He says that Max Fried might not align in the rotation to pitch Opening Day. Even though he has 2 weeks to make sure he aligns properly? The worst manager the team has employed in my lifetime.
I’m sure that we’ll get ‘more on’ Boone, as the season progresses …
We got too many AAAA players on this roster.
Carl, Baboone is a two legged jackass pretending to be a man. Apparently, he took a snooze whilst porting gold dust down from a mine up in yonder mountains. He dreamt of being manager for the New York Yankees. Lo and behold, here he is, managing the New York Yankees. Somebody please wake up this snoring jackass from his overly pleasant slumbering hallucination, by sticking him in the ass with a red hot cattle brand.
Re. Stanton, there are some things that are so so taken for granted, that you don't even notice them anymore. Big G is one of them. Who in his right mind thought that Stanton could get through a year without injury? This new thing with the double tennis elbow really could be the end of the road for him. These kinds of repetitive stress connective tissue injuries never really heal. Just shows how stupid Cashman is. Stanton should've put out to pasture YEARS ago. Yeah, he had a nice run in the playoffs last year. So what? Did they win? Did they at least come close to winning? No, not really. Unless you want to call getting pummeled in the World Series and putting up the most embarrassing inning in the history of the World Series to be a "close but no cigar" showing.
Stanton = Ellsbury at this point
Damn.....I always did see the resemblence
I think he's closer to Pavano at this point.
We have too many AAA players on this roster
Bitty, I glad they found each other
Gotta agree with Hammer there. "The worst summer in Hal's life"? Sorry, it was every single summer that his father was alive. Since then, every single summer has been the best one. Think he spends ten minutes a day worrying about the sports franchise he inherited? I assure you, sir, that he does not.
Stanton's injuries are obviously from working his body too hard, which he was obviously able to do because he was a juicer. Pain isn't something to "overcome"; it's a signal to the brain to stop it already. All of these juicers break down sooner or later. Stanton did so...just as Genius Boy traded for him—when he could have simply signed J.D. Martinez instead. But that's Pal for you.
By the by, I'm claiming 66 wins. You heard it here first.
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