Wednesday, November 4, 2009

OK, This Is No Reason To Panic...

...because, as you know, the Yankees and I believe in scientific baseball and not the benighted, superstitious approach practiced by the primitive New Englanders. So I don't take it as an omen that won't let me make an encouraging Blingee for tonight's game. I've already wasted 90 minutes I don't have, and that's all Blingee will get out of me today. But I've always wanted to try Blogger's new Jump option, so here's the picture I was trying to Blingee, after the jump.

UPDATE:  OK, this Jump option is weird. It works -- which is to say it allows us to move part of a post off the main page -- but it doesn't offer any obvious clicking point from which to view the entire entry. Clicking the headline will take you there, but that's weird and not the first thing a reader would think of, amirite? So the Jump makes me no happier, today, than Blingee. And I regret having to stress that none of this will have the slightest negative effect on Andy.

UPDATE 2: Figured out the jump link. It's there now. As you can see. Not that this can possibly be of any help to Andy.


Anonymous said...


adam said...

Part of the beauty of this blog is that it looks like it was designed in the early 1990s. Too many flashy graphics and video slots that bulge off the sides of the page, a default color scheme; shit, a 10 year old could have coded this thing together.

That is why you cannot allow jumps to be used. Technology = bad. TURN IT OFF.

el duque said...

No celebrity died today.

Rob said...