Sunday, November 8, 2009

RINO Ari Fleischer Flunks GOP Purity Test

Pres. George W. Bush's first press secretary loves Don Rumsfeld and Don Mattingly equally, so it's weirdly big and bigly weird of him to admit:
History is not on our side. The previous eight Yankee victories took place on the Democrats’ watch, during the terms of Presidents John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. Under Presidents Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. and George W. Bush, the Yankees never won. The last time the Yankees won it all with a Republican in office was under Dwight Eisenhower, in 1958. Joe Girardi, the Yankee manager, hadn’t even been born.

Ari Fleischer goes on to urge Yankee fans to vote against his party! More or less!


Rockin' Rich said...

Line him up against the wall with the rest of those war criminals.

BuckFoston said...

Is that the bat of "pedro's dawarf"?