Friday, June 7, 2024

Somewhat premature game thread



AboveAverage said...


JM said...

Soto is inflamed

HoraceClarke66 said...

A big sigh of relief. So far.

HoraceClarke66 said...

And for the record: the NY Herald, begun in 1835 and for years the most popular paper in NYC, was merged with the NY Tribune in March, 1924.

Free bonus information: the paper's second owner, James Gordon Bennett, Jr., gave us one of the city's most famous ballparks. In 1877, he was forced to leave the city after he showed up at his fiancée's house for a party so drunk that he urinated into a fireplace (some claimed it was a grand piano, though by that point, Gordon Bennett probably had trouble telling the difference).

Any-hoo, Bennett had organized the very first polo match in the US of A, and had to abandon his private polo field, then located just off the northeast corner of Central Park. For years, Bennett looked in vein for a tenant for his Polo Grounds, finding one only in 1883, when a brand new ballteam known as the Gothams took up residence.

The rest, as you know, is history!

BTR999 said...

BREAKING NEWS : Stanton still sucks.

AboveAverage said...

Breaking, BREAKING nEwS:

Poteet Pitching Sweet!

AboveAverage said...

Dodgers third baseman blew the play whilst he was mic'd up and being interviewed (in fact he was just asked a meaningful question just as the ball was smoked right at him)


Joe of AZ said...

Jesus Christ Torres

Doug K. said...

Gleyber with his non chalant bullshit!!

Now the floodgates open

Rufus T. Firefly said...

The ump sure likes Judge.

JM said...

I'm still pissed at Gleyber. Clown.

JM said...

Nice play by the ball girl.

BTR999 said...

That clown who posted the incorrect Soto update is RobReinhart @RealRobReinhart
His Twitter (sorry, “x”) does indeed say that he has worked at the New York Herald since…2024, and also at SInow and Bleacher Report. I am heading over there now to excoriate this simian as only I can. Got 3 twitter suspensions under my belt and would love to get a golden sombrero. ¡olé!

Oh yeah, let’s win this!

JM said...

Looks like Boone has begun the Bad Bullpen Decisions part of the game.

AboveAverage said...

a bullpen move that actually worked

who wood have guessed

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Even a blind squirrel...

AboveAverage said...

(didn't mean to contradict you, JM)

(did like how the dugout reacted on that SHO ground out)

(dj appeared to have nuthin')

AboveAverage said...

I've never seen a blind squirrel

AboveAverage said...

hate the ump-cam - they should at least have the darn thing mounted on a gimbal to steady it out a bit

AboveAverage said...

N I C E ! ! ! !

good jawb Michael!!!

Doug K. said...

Not Turd Ferguson!

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Damn I miss Soto

DickAllen said...

And thank you Giancarlo. You useless turd.

Joe of AZ said...

Thought he had the hr tbh

Hinkey Haines said...

That was one pathetic AB, DJ.

Rufus T. Firefly said...


JM said...

Fuck. Too many innings for Hamilton.

JM said...

And now.... Santana! We've given up.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Let's hope against hope and pray 🙏 we don't have to rely on Glassman.

DickAllen said...

This business of starting a runner on second base is some little league bullshit.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Seligball (tm)

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Just release Glassman

JM said...

We missed Soto badly.

JM said...

Rizzo is looking done. It's sad. DJ maybe, too.

DickAllen said...

This business of playing Giancarlo is some little league bullshit

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Mikey= Mr Unclutch.

Pocono Steve said...

Good to know that we can beat neither Baltimore nor LA.

BTR999 said...


BTR999 said...

Rizzo batting .123 over his last 15 games. ‘nuff said,

AboveAverage said...


HoraceClarke66 said...

So with Soto out, our 4-7 guys went 0-17 with 6 Ks and 1 DP.

Torres notches his 9th error of the year; on a pace for 22.

And hey, The Admiral is looking pretty good. Glad we decided not to go all out after him.

Everything in free fall, all of a sudden. Or was it that we just ran out of tomato cans?

Pocono Steve said...

Yamamoto's shaky start this season was amusing, but you just knew he would right the ship in time to reward the Yankees for their parsimony.