Saturday, February 22, 2025


 Dear Hal,

In case you didn't notice, whilst you were growing your beard, Soto went deep in his first Spring training at bat with the Mets. 

Yours untruly,



HoraceClarke66 said...

I will never forgive HAL letting him go.

HoraceClarke66 said...

And hey, due to work and relatives in town, I had to miss The Great Hair Debate.

While I think everyone should be allowed to groom themselves however they like—minus the lice, of course—I agree with most of what Der Kaiser says.

I would add that maybe the thing I hate most about today's ballplayers—all gazillionaires, thanks to maybe the most effective union of all —is there restless efforts at pretending to be regular, blue-collar joes.

The mountain man hair and facial hair—and hey, great story, Doug!—the right-wing politics, the general loutishness...all strike me as characteristics of guys who are trying too hard. No, this isn't 1935, and you're not a bunch of former hillbillies and swamp Yankees just out of the boondocks. You're rich entertainment stars. Admit it! And get dysfunctional the way they are!

HoraceClarke66 said...

*Meant to write, "maybe the most effective union of all time, anywhere, ever."

Jaraxle said...

Guys come on, Hal didn’t let Soto go, Soto clearly wanted to go elsewhere for as much money as he could get.

acrilly said...

The world needs anti-heros.

AboveAverage said...

Would you recommend a few?