Thursday, August 9, 2007

Joe Tabs Farnsy for Crucial Ninth

Down 15-4, he knew the Yanks couldn't fall further behind last night, or the game was lost.

So to whom did he turn?

"Kyle with a K."

The result?

A PERFECT 1-2-3-INNING! With a "K!"
Congratulations to Kyle Farnsworth, our Yankee Comeback Player of the Game!


Stang said...

Good reporting, but Farnsy's our Tag Body Spray Yankee Comeback Player of the Game!

An award without sponsorship is an affront to baseball.

el duque said...

Thanks, Superfrankenstein,

All too often, we turn off the game just because it looks out of reach, denying ourselves not only the chance to witness a great Yankee comeback, but to see the small-step progression of the team.

If Kyle had gone out there and gotten touched up for a couple runs, he would have gotten into Joe's doghouse. Now, maybe he and the fans can come together.

Anonymous said...

I'm not proud to say this, but I, too, turned off the ninth inning and didn't watch.

Anonymous said...

No big deal to turn off the game when Farnsworth comes in, I do it every time.

- ALphonso