Saturday, November 3, 2007

$1.16 From Each American



BernBabyBern said...

I'd donate my share ... but only if he signs with the Devil Rays.

el duque said...

Wait a minute.

That's less than a penny a day!

I call that "value."

Anonymous said...

Alphonso said -

Given that each American ( not counting Congress and the Administration ) is already spending about 330 times that amount per day for our successful surge in Iraq, Arod comes off real cheap.

Of course, he is contributing to inflation which, per the Government, is otherwise non-existant.

I guess the $3 dollar plus per gallon gasoline and the $44,000 per year in private college tuition, and the non-reimbursed $5000-7000 for root canals are counter balanced by the low cost of housing, assuming you are just now buying your first boarded up piece of real estate.

Anonymous said...

Who's A-Rod?

Whitey Fraud said...

I'm in. I spill more beer than that's worth in a single day.