Sunday, November 4, 2007

Emotion = Good

Joe G. looks like a tough throwback, but he's a modern man in touch with his feelings:

I don't want to get too mushy, but I was almost in tears at third base," Girardi recalled. “What I went through in April, I never thought a moment like this was coming. It was the happiest moment of my career and the biggest regret of my career was that I could not stop and listen, because everything happens so fast in the game of baseball. I was so happy that I lost the ability to hear what was going on around me. You know what I wish, I wish I could go back and listen to it all, and then just return and go on with my life.

Joe also has diverse appeal. (Not that there's anything wrong with that!)


Anonymous said...

In spring training, the Yankees should start weaving a pennant quilt. Each player can put in a special design, signifying a big game or something special. By the end of the year, even if we don't win the pennant, we can fly the quilt.

Anonymous said...

That's diverse, Dukie!