Thursday, September 3, 2009

Face it: We'll play Boston in a best-of-seven

Why play a regular season?

Yeah, sure, they lost to Tampa last night, but smell the boxers, dammit! The Rays just traded Scott Kazmir for a pair of Sean Henns. Does anybody think they'll win the Wild Card? Do they think they'll win a Wild Card? You don't peddle a Kazmir in a race, unless you're out of it.

It comes down to us and them. Good v. Evil. New York v. Boston. Manhattan clam chowder v. New England clam chowder (which is where we lose, by the way. ) There is no New York Cream Pie, so we can't fight them on that front.

This year, we never played them on equal terms.

Early this summer -- when they shot our dogs and made us eat the meat -- Arod was on the shelf and our newbies were still new to New York.

A month ago -- when we peed on their moms and posted pictures on the Internet -- Jason Bay was in rehab, Papi was holding news conferences and Youk played left.

It's coming down to the final confrontation. We have home advantage.

Why play the season? Everything was preprogrammed. Screw Peter Gammons. We should have been reading Edward O. Wilson.


Anonymous said...

Manhattan easily beats New England in the clam chowder war.

Anonymous said...

No New York Cream Pie? AJ would disagree.

Unknown said...

Good ol' New York Cheesecake
Beats the shit out of Bahhston Cream Poy.

Anonymous said...

Umm, aren't you forgetting our other arch nemesis? The Angels of somewhere south of Los Angeles on the I-5 near Disneyland? Won't either the Yankees or BoSox have to play them? If the Sox play them, you know they'll win. If the Yankees play them, we might not get near the Red Sox. The Angels have a bigger hex on us than the Sox.

Mr. Number Man said...


Aren't you forgetting the standings and the playoff format?