Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Rousing Toast for the Yankiverse

This was tossed onto the doorstep at Bardball this evening. It's easy and fun to recite, so I expect everyone to memorize this for the weekend of revelry.

Here's to A-Rod and his Centaur pic
Here's to Damon Johnny and Swisher Nick

Here's to CC, A.J., and Mo
Here's to Molina, Cervelli, and Po

Here's to the Captain in the leadoff spot
Here's to Marte for getting red-hot

Here's to Teixeira and his stretchy right leg
Here's to fifth starters for which we would beg

Here's to Joba and Phil, arms for the future
Here's to Chien-Ming Wang and his sutures

Here's to Melky and Gardner, fighting for starts
Here's to Hairston and Hinske and other spare parts

Here's to Cashman who put it together
Here's to Cano, who can't handle bad weather

Here's to the bullpen from D-Rob to Ace
Here's to Pettitte and the killer gaze

Here's to Matsui, Most Valuable Player
And here's to Girardi, who'll need a new number

by Kevin R.A. DeCandido


el duque said...

Bravo. Not only that, but this is the first poster in the history of IT IS HIGH to have two middle initials.

We are moving into an elite class of blogs: TWO MIDDLE INITIALS.

Think about that, River Ave!

dadlak said...
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dadlak said...

Two does seem to be the operative number in this post. Couplets abound.

Alibi Ike said...

My couplet runneth over. Hellooooo nurse!

Alph said...

I really like the artwork.