Sunday, July 30, 2023

Runk blog ends

 With a victory over Baltimore that leads into the scariest day of the year.

Trade Deadline Day. 

The Mets are selling. The Redsocks are soaring. 

Will Cashman kill another season?

I need a drink.


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

The answer to your question is, yes, of course he will. Why do we expect him to change?

AboveAverage said...

Tears are good

They cleanse and purify

Drinks are vital

The feed the tears

And blur the frightful

ranger_lp said...

The report of the 2023 Yankees death has been grossly exaggerated...

JM said...

I'm in Schenectady. Not much to add to that.

AboveAverage said...

Why are you in . . .


Publius said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JM said...

Family, AA. And some old friends.