Friday, May 10, 2024

Game Thread: Caption Contest



BTR999 said...

He looks a little stunned.

Maybe he can finally see our point of view.

Rufus T. Firefly said...


"Mikey loaned me his glasses because he hates being called Glassman"

"I thought the ticket stub said we were going to see "The Kinks". I must need a better prescription."

"What was the exit velo and launch angle on that 3-pointer?"

AboveAverage said...


Hinkey Haines said...

I bet if I run out on the court no one will see me.

AboveAverage said...

Gleyber - appears to have a big camera and with an expensive lens on it at his feet. I bet everything he shoots is a little soft/a little out of focus and framed too much to one side…..

AboveAverage said...

(I know that the camera likely belongs the guy holding the other camera but it sure would be sadly amusing to see Gleyber try to shoot a picture)

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I think Gleyber stole his pants from a homeless guy on the platform in Penn Station.

I'll give him the benefit of doubt and suspect he'd actually put the viewfinder to his eye and not the lens cap.

JM said...

Mr. Peepers.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Who's the bozo color guy on YES? Aksing for a fren.

JM said...


Pocono Steve said...


TheWinWarblist said...

BIG TONY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck Hal.

Pocono Steve said...

Followed by more Gleyberian uselessness.

Pocono Steve said...

Loved his earlier at bat when he turned ball four into a ground out.

JM said...


JM said...

I still think of Arozarena as this young phenom. What the hell happened to him?

JM said...

Heart Attack Holmes at work.

JM said...

He may lose this one yet. Cripes.

Pocono Steve said...

Bad Holmes is back.

JM said...

Thuuuuuuuuh Yankees win!

JM said...

That was close.

Pocono Steve said...

Woo hoo!

JM said...

Rizzo 2, Tampa 0

BTR999 said...

Let’s not overlook the great start by Schmidt! Weaver a strong inning - again. 8 straight scoreless appearances. Holmes shaky, but
kept the lid on.

AboveAverage said...

Heart Attack Holmes is a keepah, JM.

BTR999 said...

Torres last 7 games .167/.286/.167 , .453 OPS

I assume he wears contacts during the games but who knows?

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Any win is a big Yankee win, but especially so against the DEVIL tampons.

Don't forget to tune into the master tomorrow on WFAN pregame!

The Hammer of God said...

@ BTR999, Based on his hitting, I'd assume that Torres does NOT wear contacts during the games.