Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Game Thread: Yankees vs Angels

Luis Gil "The Monster" takes the mound.


BTR999 said...

Fucking Stanton. Knew he was going to fuck it up somehow.

Doug K. said...

The double play on the infield fly is a total horseshit call. One of the dumbest I've ever seen.

BTR999 said...

Can’t blame boone.

Doug K. said...

I'll tell you there are bad calls and there are bad calls. The umps followed up with taking he bat out of Verdugo's hands as well. I'm not a big "the game is fixed" guy but they had bases loaded no one out and didn't score and Boone got tossed all in the top of the first and they were both BAD calls. Total bullshit.

Doug K. said...

This home plate umpire is the WORST I have ever seen. Think about that statement. I've seen what? 5000+ games. This guy is pissing me off.

AboveAverage said...

Kim Novak would be proud

Hinkey Haines said...

Clay “Pineapple” Holmes at it again.

Hinkey Haines said...

Never in doubt.

BTR999 said...

The Gil-a Monster strikes again!

The DP call was horseshit. The batter was already out.

Again, Holmes putting runners on base.
We need a closer. Say, you don’t think that when Cole comes back, that Gil might….nah. Not with the rigid thinkers on this team.

AboveAverage said...

We will not succeed with Holmes as our closer. This must change. Handle Gil carefully.

HoraceClarke66 said...

What, nobody gave the cry?


There. Gotta keep up these rituals.

HoraceClarke66 said...

I didn't see the play in question. But I am noticing that umps, everywhere, seem to be weirdly out of control. This seems to me bizarre, especially with video replay in place. It's almost like they've forgotten the rules of the game. At the same time, they seem insanely oversensitive—hence the third-base ump throwing a frustrated Mets pitcher out of the game today in the 8th inning of a 10-3 game.

Granted, the pitcher seemed to be a dick. But I really wonder if that was necessary.

Shame we don't have a real commissioner. He might want to do something about this.

AboveAverage said...

Who is going to the dentist tomorrow? I know it’s late but let me see a show of hands….

13bit said...

Almost went yesterday, AA.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I see the dentist at tooth hurty.

Wezil1 said...

Who has more reticulation? The Gila or the Gil?