Monday, December 16, 2024

As Long As We’re Doing Christmas Wish Lists…

Here's mine...

1) The Return of Ronald Reagan   

OK not really.  That would be gross, scary, and not where I'm at politically. I just want to hear him say, "Mr. Commissioner, teardown that paywall." and give the people back their free Yankee games.

2) A Hard Cap 

Not on player's salaries. A cap on the number of advertisers viewers/listeners can be exposed to in a given inning.

I understand that it’s a business, so in-between innings is fine, but enough already. 

No more ads on the mound, the bases, the uniforms, the 34th pitch, the first foul ball, first walk, first mound visit, and I never want to hear, “He rounds third and heads for home… and if you’re heading for home for the holidays fly United… he’s out!"

Believe me, it’s coming.

3)  An ESPN televised full blown, annual retirement ceremony show

Not to honor the players across all leagues but to finally get Flo and her crew off the air. Let them offer their tearful goodbyes and their thanks to the people who made all possible and then disappear... forever. It’s the only way to stop them.

Toss in the Toyota woman and could someone please, please, end the Alllstate triumvirate of Jake, Patrick Mahomes, and, oh hell, anybody that is appearing with them. Please. 

Next year we can lose the Geico Gecko and the caveman guy.

Quick Note:  I actually like the actor who plays the caveman. He did a little-known show called Quick Draw that is available on Hulu. It is a loosely scripted semi-improved western series about “Sheriff John Henry Hoyle and his reluctant Deputy Eli introduce the emerging science of forensics to an 1875 Kansas town.” It’s actually pretty damn funny. I’ve watched it a couple of times.

4)  Like 13Bit said … Lower the damn music!

Or get better speakers and better music. If you want to see it done right go to Citi Filed. Their music makes it a party. Yankee Stadium music is an assault.

And last…

5) Add the Golden-At Bat ASAP!  

To the pile of horseshit ideas and light it on fire. Stop trying to make the game what it’s not. Speaking of which, get back to fundamentals.  Hit the cutoff man. Run out all batted balls. Learn to bunt…  oh and fire Cashman and Boone.  I know that the last one is a given but it can’t be said too many times.


HoraceClarke66 said...

Fantastic list, Doug! All I want them to keep is the "Mayhem" guy. Though they need better ideas. Now he's one of Santa's elves? Yeah, that's a real insurance threat.

Also, could they bring back, "The Most Interesting Man in the World"? Loved that guy. They could hold open tryouts for the new actor. There would be a mob scene, as pretty much every man in the world considers himself to be that.

DickAllen said...

I’d like to add one: all I want for Christmas is a Yankees analytics department that requires experience beyond an intimate knowledge of Strat-O-Matic baseball

ranger_lp said...

We could lose Limu Emu.....and Doug while we are at it...

Doug K. said...

Hey!!!!!! Oh... that Doug

HoraceClarke66 said...

DickAllen, Strat-O-Matic is GREAT! Much better than what the Yankees play. In fact, I'm thinking of going back to it, with my special, "Mickey Mantle gets three chances at every at-bat" rule. My own version of the Golden Dingbat.

I actually had a friend who got so mad at his Strat-O results that he benched a card. I asked him if he didn't think the guy's mathematical probabilities were hustling enough, but he insisted on it. I really respected his insanity; now that's a fan!

JM said...

You could just hear the client..."Come up with something like the gecko." And the agency came up with an emu. They threw in Doug because the emu can't talk, being real and not a piece of computer animation.

I was an ad guy, and I have to say, I really can't stand 95% of the commercials on TV.

Doug K. said...

" he benched a card. I asked him if he didn't think the guy's mathematical probabilities were hustling enough, but he insisted on it. '

That is really funny!