Friday, November 2, 2007

Questions Without Answers

1. Will Yank fans care enough to go to China and put nails on Chien-Ming Wang's driveway?

2. Does anybody know of any Redsock fan in history who ever rooted for the Yankees?

3. Who should wear A-Rod's number 13?


Stang said...

2. Tom Hodgson?

Anonymous said...

#3 The Batboy. Or the guy who empties the Gatorade cooler.

BernBabyBern said...

3. The Yankees should announce that they are retiring No. 13.

... in honor of Walt "No Neck" Williams.

Anonymous said...

they should give 13 to some guy who plays in the other "split squad" game ... one of the guys who has to bus it out to some rockstrewn juco field while the real big leaguers play at Legends Field.

el duque said...

Should we put up a poll on who should wear the illustrious number 13?

If so, who are the choices?

Kyle Farnsworth?
Edwar Ramirez?
Matt DeSalvo?
Bobby Meacham?

Anonymous said...

They should retire Jim Leyritz's number.

Anonymous said...

El Duque,

I have an answer to question number 2:

I think Rudy Guliani was a Red sox fan before he was a Yanee fan and, more recently, before he became a red sox fan again.

If he winds up our new Dictator, he will become a Washington Nationals fan...and possibly a Redskins fan, but only if Daniel Snyder pays him $500 million in campaign contributions.


Anonymous said...

Alphonso says:

Hey Mr. Duque; congratulations, by the way, on your 43rd consecutive season in professional ball.

I look forward to playing with you next season on the Cubs or Mets , or maybe even the Dodgers now that Mr. Torre is in La La land.

I do think you should know that Chin Ming is
the " Pride of Taiwan " which, foolishly ( and with the full faith and backing of the US Govt.) believes it is an independent country.

Truth is, it is China's toy, only with better food.