Friday, November 2, 2007

The Case for Kris

Hard to believe, but RHP career-lugnut Kris Benson is out there! ripe for the plucking, in the 2008 free agent meat market!

He's only 32, with a career ERA under 5.00. Yeah, he's got the ol' barking labrum, and he didn't pitch last year, but life could be too quiet without A-Rod.

By signing Kris, we not only replace chick-magnet Carl Pavano, but super-vix Anna Benson replaces Suzyn Waldman as Yank First Lady, which is like Jeri Thompson replacing Barbara Bush.

Want our young Yank hurlers to learn new grips? SIGN KRIS BENSON!


Stang said...

I thought she was married to Fred Thompson.

Anonymous said...

Fred would give up his current arm candy, and his run for the Presidency, for one dalliance with Mrs. Benson.


Anonymous said...

Isn't that Jaret Wright in that picture?

el duque said...

I don't know. If it is, though, that would explain why Jaret Wright never could pitch beyond the fifth.

He was schztupping Benson's wife!