Thursday, November 1, 2007

Breaking: He's Back, back, back-

Today we activated Carol Pavano from the 60-day Bizzbag.

Expect a booster shot for the Girardi Jihad (what we should call it?) in time for the playoffs!

More importantly, it takes a load off the minds of Yank fans, who worry about The Yankee Quitter.

Get well, Carol.


Stang said...

This is great news. But don't be disappointed if he's not lights out right away. Sometimes pitchers get a little rusty after a two, three year layoff.

rap said...

Never a good idea to smoke crack while posting.

Anonymous said...

More posts about Fred Thompson's hot wife plz.

Anonymous said...

You guys are way off base ( note; baseball term );

Our starting pitchers in 2008 will be as follows:

1. Pavano ( he was number one last year in game one, remember?)

2. Clemens ( we'll squeeze one more half year out of the Rocket for no more than $20 million ).

3. Mussina ( Don't you just love that " coming to set" drill he taught Ian Kennedy?)

4. Chin Ming Wong ( he'll redeem himself against Tampa Bay )

5. Andy Pettitte ( one can only hope)

The Scranton guys will be awesome.

- Edwar Ramirez ( still working on a second pitch )