Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"David Robertson:" The Most Whitebread Yankee Name Ever?

David Robertson won the nickname "Houdini" during the 2009 playoffs. If it sticks, we might start calling the rest of the bullpen bridgers, "the Blowfish."

Let's hope it works, because "David Robertson" doesn't cut it. Not in an era of Jesus Montero, Melky Cabrera and Francisco Cervelli. "David Robertson?" Ptttuui. But with a decent year, he could move up in the ranks of great nebbish-named Yankees.


1. Joe Gordon
2. Billy Martin
3. Joe Dugan
4. Bobby Richardson
5. Roy White
6. Frank Baker
7. Tom Gordon
8. Bob Watson
9. Ron Davis
10. Jim Turner
11. Paul Blair
12. Joe Collins
13. Jack Clark
14. Mike Stanton
15. Kevin Brown
16. Fred Stanley
17. Steve Hamilton
18. Stan Williams
19. Mike Morgan
20. Phil Hughes
21. Bill Robinson
22. Dale Murray
23. David Robertson
24. Andy Hawkins
25. Andy Phillips

Honorable Mention: Stan Thomas, Dave Collins, Jeff Weaver, Fred Talbot, John Kennedy, John Ellis, Steven Jackson, Kevin Thompson


Jeers said...

What about Bernie Williams? The most whitebread name ever for a Puerto Rican guitar player.

And of course there is Tino Martinez which is the winner of the most ethnic name for a cracker.

Even though he was Cuban.

GWC3 said...

Definitely Bernie Williams.

Paul O'Neill
Edward Ford
Bill Dickey
Joe McCarthy
Ian Kennedy
Mike Pagliarulo

/OK, maybe not Pags.

Also, he was not a Yankee, but the ultimate major leaguer on this list would be Walter Johnson.

Joe DePastry said...

If we were picking the Yankee with the most whitebread personality, it would have to be Bobby Richardson.

Anonymous said...

What? No Sterling Hitchcock?

Leah said...

Nick Johnson?

Anonymous said...

Seriously, how does Edward "Whitey" Ford not make this list?

dadlak said...

Dooley Womack..oh sorry, that's for the cracker name list.