Thursday, April 14, 2011

John's Takeaway Points from Big Yankee Victory

1. You can't say enough about Alex Rodriguez. He is really playing great!

2. A lot of heros on this Yankee team tonight, but while you're listing them, don't forget Bartolo Colon!

3. This was a really important win, because after the Yankees were set up with 2 men on and two out in the 10th, to lose this game would have really been tough.

4. The loss of Pedro Feliciano is tough, but if you look around at the rosters of Major League Teams, you'll find a lot of teams only have one lefty in the bullpen.

5. And don't forget that job by Joba!

6. On that close play at the plate, Felix Pie had no business being angry. He never touched the plate!

7. This is a great win for the Yankees. Any time you can battle back the way they did, that's really showing something!


David Ballela said...

#8. "You know, with Phil's performance tonight, he actually lowered his ERA."

Joe De Pastry said...

9. That Brett Gardner, boy does he suck. [between innings]