Friday, April 8, 2011

Value Forecast On Phil Hughes, Boone Logan and Bartolo Colon

Another highly touted Yankee pitching prospect bites the dust, and two more re-tread bums prove their bumness.

A few questions for Cashman:

Is it possible we would be better off having Raphael Santana on the DL than a healthy Phil Hughes?

Do we all now know why a former number one pick of the Phillies, known as "Boone" to his friends and fellow rodents, was traded as soon as the Phillies saw him face a lefty batter in an important situation?

Is there a reason beyond the obvious why Bartolo Colon has been out of baseball for two years until the Yankees found him? Who would hire a pitcher named after a path to an asshole?

How many of you believe, as I do, that we have now opened the flood gates for an 18-0 Boston run?

Why must our real players suffer humiliations in Boston while our frauds are in the showers?

These crap pitchers remind me of America's investment bankers and hedge fun gurus:

They are paid outrageous sums for failure, suffer no consequence whatsoever, and then land a cushy job in Washington. And of course, it is the innocent fans ( or citizens ) who pay for their failures.

At a minimum, Phil Hughes should, beginning tomorrow, be selling wieners in Trenton with Kei Igawa.

By the way, if the Government shuts down tonight let's shut down this series with Boston, too.

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