Monday, November 1, 2010

Rookie Shuts Out Yanks 4-0. Season on Brink.

It is hard to believe that a little more than four months ago, Madison Bumgarner was pitching in the minor leagues. Last night, he pitched the SF Giants within one game of history.

The Giants took a commanding three games to one lead in the World Series, with a 4-0 win over the Yankees, as Bumgarner hurled eight innings, giving up only three harmless hits to MLB's leading power franchise.

The Giants still have to get by CC Sabathia tonight to wrap up the franchise's first championship since moving to San Francisco in 1958, but Tim Linsecum gives this pitching-laden team the wherewithal to do so.

As my grandfather used to say, " good pitching beats good hitting." Man, is that the case. The Yankees hitters have turned to butter, and seem incapable of presenting any threat at all.

The last time A-Rod had a big hit, or represented a threat at the plate, was in the 2009 series against the Phillies. Personally, I think he needs a new girlfriend.

With last night's 4-0 victory, the Giants have already dialed up two shutouts against one of the top offensive teams in baseball. Only Brett Gardner, Lance Berkman and, ok, A-Rod managed singles last night.

A word should be said about AJ.

Aside from the two run homer he gave up early to Huff, he pitched pretty well. He gave us his second half season line of; 4 innings, 5 hits, 2 earned runs and 83 pitches, for a game ERA of 4.50, a noticeable improvement. Certainly, Kansas City or Scranton can use such a guy next year.

Personally, I think Joe Girardi erred in not starting CC Sabathia last night. He could then go again in game seven, if the Yankees can somehow get there.

While Phil Hughes gave us a fine outing the other night, I worry about a game seven start for him on the west coast.

We can only hope to have such problems.


Joe De Pastry said...

Too bad we can't pitch Raschi, Reynolds, and Lopat in the next 3 games.

David Ballela said...

I'm sorry Alphonso, I'm having trouble getting with your program. Looks like in either scenario we lose

Alphonso said...


That's because you are a realist. We will win this thing.

I, by way of contrast, am a dreamer.

Also, a whacko.

I'm getting worn out. Hope SF romps tonight.