Monday, May 16, 2011

The Boss Is Trying To Tell Us Something

Is it?
a. Fine Posada
b. Fire Cashman
c. Fire K-Long
d. Fire Girardi


The Boss said...

"I'm anxiously awaiting Barbara Walters"

Bye Bye Balboni said...

The Yanks' regular season record since King George died: a thoroughly mediocre 56-49. What does THAT tell us?

Joe De Pastry said...

Dear Mr. Posada,
So sorry to hear about your terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. I guess that even someone relatively young, with lots of money and a sexy wife, can be sad once in a while. But stop publicly feeling sorry for yourself, you big jerk. You proved for years that you can't catch, so if you can't DH why are you putting on that uniform? Start hitting or retire. None of us relatively old guys who make just enough money to get by want to hear any more of your whining.