Friday, May 13, 2011

Scientific Pie Chart Showing Reasons for Yankee Hope with Powerhouse '27 Redsocks Coming to Town

1 comment:

Joe De Pastry said...

We have tumbled downward in the standings, behind a team whose closer is Kyle Farnsworth.
If the Great Leader was still alive he would not take such humiliation lying down. He would threaten to send guys to the minors. He would fire the secretary who ordered his lunch because the deli put yellow mustard on his sandwich instead of brown. He would force Cashman and Girardi to make $10K contributions to the Newt Gingrich for President Committee. He'd get everybody talking about him instead of how bad the players have been performing. That's what made him a Great Leader.
Then after we take at least 2 of 3 from the Red Sux he'd rehire the secretary and give her a raise, and he'd reimburse Cashman and Girardi for the Gingrich contributions, which would still be illegal.