Thursday, November 3, 2011

Lines that likely were misunderstood by female employees of Herman Cain

"The special tonight? A pizza with everything on it... including you and me."

"As Godfather, here's an offer you can’t refuse: My room, eightish."

"Want to see a really fast-rising crust?"

"I'm ready to take your order... and your blouse."

"You heard the customer, "Hold the pepperoni..." in your hand."

"Reservations? I have none when it comes to sexytime."

"I'll have a breast and a leg... and chicken on the side."

"The kitchen staff seems to have lost its D-cups, but I see you have them."

"With each Happy Meal, you get a Pokemon toy. Mind if I take a Piccachu?" 
"Want to supersize my fries?"

"Waitress, can you make change? Two nipples for a dime?"

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