Tuesday, September 3, 2024

An Above Average Haiku Tuesday ~ Bronx Cheer Edition!


Piiax said...

Amen, brother.

JM said...

We are so, so fucked
Our pitching is simply crap
Judge and Soto slump

acrilly said...

trust me on this one
Jazz triple slash is better
than Justice ‘00

acrilly said...

Jazz, Rizzo and Duke
Could be a Cuban trio
Ahh, not such sweet notes

acrilly said...

Like a misfit toy
he bobs the bench like a cork
it’s DJ, he’s benched

Pocono Steve said...

Dominguez is in
Scranton. Verdugo is in
left field. Fuck Cashman.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Is this a haiku?
Can you say fuck you Ca$hole?
I know we all can.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

JM speaks the truth
Just another Ca$h fuck up
Please sell the team HAL

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I'm using notepad
To count all the syllables
I are engineer

13bit said...

Rufus runs amok
Brian Cashman is a schmuck.
Hal and Boone don’t care.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Enjoy the rat feces
Don't forget to tip servers
Pizza rat takes cash

Rufus T. Firefly said...
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Rufus T. Firefly said...

mr. bit, our muse
we come here to feel better
but we rarely do

Rufus T. Firefly said...

(I need a syllable counter)

Rufus T. Firefly said...

What time is the game?
How can Boone fuck up this one?
Only the Shadow knows.

AboveAverage said...


AboveAverage said...

Roses aren’t red
And violets aren’t blue
But the Yankees stink

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Is this the game thread?
Or just for saying fuck HAL?
Asking for a friend.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I am sorry but,
That was my best fucking post
Since Hart started this...

Rufus T. Firefly said...
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Rufus T. Firefly said...

God bless you Duque,
You have truly blessed us
with this great website

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Missing wordage count
I can sometimes be stupid
at least we are here

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Not looking at game
Rodon suckering us all
It will not end well

Hinkey Haines said...

No place for Jasson
Verdugo grounds to second
Yet another time

AboveAverage said...

Rufus what about another haiku?

JM said...

Mr. Haney rolls
We just cannot hit Cy Young
Glad he's out of there

JM said...

Jazz and Volpe hit
Double steal is just a balk
Trevino sucks ass

JM said...

Boone righty lefty
What a stupid schmuck he is
But Vertigo hits!

JM said...

Trevino again
But then we could not play Wells
Boone righty lefty

JM said...

DJ botches play
Texas lights are far too bright
Rizzo rides the bench

Copelius said...

LeMahieu cannot
Even field a routine play
cut your losses Hal

Kevin said...

Nice play Gleybor

Copelius said...

Gleyber lazily
stabs at a double play ball
Please don't bring him back

Rufus T. Firefly said...

bitty loves us all
and we know winnie does too
and we love this blog

Kevin said...

Needs to go!

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I hate management
I mean Yankees front office
fuck them all to hell

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Good night to all youz
It's too late to be awake
Get us a closer

Kevin said...

Tim Hill in the eighth, bases loaded. Man what a bullpen....

JM said...

Those two runs are all Gleyber. Clown.

Hinkey Haines said...

Holmes will pitch the ninth
To hold a mere one run lead
Pineapples for all

JM said...

Not that the bullpen is at all reliable.

And NOW Rizzo. Boone is an embarrassment.

JM said...

Hinkey speaks the truth
Holmes is not a real closer
One run game, we're dead

Kevin said...

I guess the pinch runner felt a bit of the old pressure. Second base was there for him...

Mildred Lopez said...

Oh christ

Kevin said...

Cabrera just made a play that Torres would have never thought of, the ol' backup play.

Kevin said...

Nervous. Not what you want in your closer

JM said...

Fucking Holmes is blowing another one. Great job.

BernBabyBern said...

Nothing is easy;
Man, I miss Mariano
We can't count on Holmes

JM said...

Poetic and sad, Bern.

AboveAverage said...

S. U. C. K. S.

Mildred Lopez said...

Just give up the walk-off, send us all off to bed

JM said...

And there it is. Grand salami.

Holmes is terrible.

Mildred Lopez said...

I didn't really mean that

Kevin said...

I've watched fewer games this year than I've have since my teens. I can fully appreciate why you guys hate The Holmes so much. FUCK!!!!!

BernBabyBern said...

If Holmes is closer
when the postseason arrives,
we are fucking toast

Kevin said...


Ken of Brooklyn said...

ALL ABOARD THE PINEAPPLE EXPRESS!!!!! This MUST be the last time Holmes closes, URRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kevin said...

This team is two bats and two bullpen arms short. This game was truly emblematic.

Copelius said...

Clay Holmes shits the bed
Gleyber already shat it
LeMahieu shat first

Hinkey Haines said...

Holmes does it again.
He is hopeless, as are we:
Boone won’t pull the plug.

BTR999 said...

So fucking sick of having to watch Holmes. He doesn’t have the arm or the temperament to close. Did you see how far his pitches were out of the strike zone? I also had the misfortune to hear Kay today, squealing like the pig he so closely resembles, as he ripped fans who dared criticize the mighty Yankees. A shill? He’s a fucking whore, paid to fuck, with our minds. Hope the stumble the recast of the way and miss the playoffs. They deserve it.

Publius said...

Not The Verdugo Flop in Baltimore, but Top 5?

13bit said...

Copelius for the haiku win!

BTR999 said...

The fuck is the point of having a guy who is solely a PR if he isn’t going to run?

Publius said...

After a steady stream of "sinkers in the dirt" that Trevino blocked, Shackil described a "sinker up". I chuckled. Of course it ended that way.

BTR999 said...

Thought the same! Torres would’ve been 20 ft away playing pocket pool.

Mildred Lopez said...

"Stuff's there. He's throwing the ball well." Jesus of Nazareth Boone is a fucking idiot

BernBabyBern said...

This is 2022 all over again, right down to Boonie's inane "throwing the ball well" and "getting good swings" pressers

AboveAverage said...

Thanks for all the haikus gentlemen - glad it’s been somewhat enjoyably entertaining

Publius said...

Did Boonie point out Holmes was a groundball away from getting out of it? That's a favorite of mine.

TheWinWarblist said...

Worked late and missed the game. Just checked the box score.

BlownSave is a Wonder.

Fuck CashBrain. Fuck Boone.

TheWinWarblist said...

League leading 11th blown save. I haven't been blown this much since I was newly divorced.

AboveAverage said...

there are more coming

Copelius said...

Thank you. I'd rather the Yankees win the series tomorrow.

Joe of AZ said...

11 BLOWN SAVES....get him the fuck off the role

Doug K. said...

Late to the party
I laughed when Clay Holmes blew it.
Serenity Now!

Piiax said...
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Piiax said...

Should we have peace and no hope, or hope and no peace.
H&C&B are doing us the rope-a-dope. Dope, dope.