Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Did we just see a preview of the Yankees in the playoffs?


So, last night, did we reveal our true selves? 

We ran ourselves out of rallies. Our 4-6 hitters went 0-for-12. (Stanton with 4 Ks, but hey, a couple long fouls!) When the game suddenly seemed salvageable, we gave up a tack-on moon shot, effectively crushing our chances. 

We gave hope to a season-long disappointment that was yearning for Dr. Kervorkian. And once again, we reminded ourselves of how aimless the '24 Yanks can look on any given night. 

Listen: With the Magic Number at one (1), let's not wet ourselves over losing the AL East. 

Even if we somehow lose the last five -a catastrophic blow to our psyche - it's still Baltimore. The O's won't run the table. They're not that team. We'll secure a first round bye (though ALCS home field advantage is not guaranteed) and nap through the peak foliage weekends of October.

No, our terrors are far more existential than last night. The Big Question: Did we just  receive - via some juju god cosmic crystal ball - a snapshot from Oct. 10, a picture of what will happen after we soak for seven days in a tub of Calgon Bath Oil Beads. It came from Gleyber Torres' muddled head and Alex Verdugo's GIDP-infested bat. 

We may have seen the future: How the Yankees flounder for seven innings, then unveil a little league bad decision and a toxic event bullpen.  

Listen: Let's not self-immolate over last night. We weren't going to win 'em all. We are not that team. Whatever happens, it will catch us off-guard, a 50-yard field goal kick to the billiards. Just close your eyes and think of 2009. We'll make it to the second round. Then - well - it'll be Gleyber, or Jazz, or The Martian - or somebody... rounding third base and heading home...


JM said...

Boone and Torres lost the game. Playing Verdugo over Jasson is malpractice. Bringing in Mayza is malpractice. Leaving in Mayza is worse.

Torres is an idiot. Even his explanation was stupid.

God, if only both of them were gone...

Doug K. said...

El Duque - This X 1000! The whole game that was all I could think about. We should add that everytime they came within stiking distance the pen gave up a home run in the nex inning to keep it out of reach.

I tend to tell people that the Yankees suck and they look at me like I'm crazy. "But they have the best record in the AL or close to it. They are going to win the division."

But last night's team truly did suck in all aspects of the game and revealed their true selves.

BTR999 said...

Torres is (apologies for the harsh pejorative) borderline retarded, Boone is a terminal wimp who seems to lack the ability to learn from past mistakes and grow. Or just an unfeeling corporate slave, stripped to the studs of initiative or critical thinking.

So - was last night just one game, or the beginning of an epic collapse?

JM said...

A good compendium of what we've known for months:

JM said...

Again, I blame the team less than I blame Boone. He stinks.

JM said...

They should take down the DiMaggio quote and put this up, printed on a huge banner:

Torres' baserunning blunder cuts Yankees' rally short

JM said...

Concerning news for the Yankees as Nestor Cortes, tonight’s scheduled starter, is getting an MRI on his left elbow. Cortes has been dynamic lately (1 ER in 15 1/3 innings) and loomed as a valuable weapon in the postseason, as a reliever or a starter

AboveAverage said...

Nasty News - Start spreading the blues

BTR999 said...

Hence the Beeter promotion?

The Hammer of God said...

They're playing The Martian very sparingly because they don't him to get hot and have a run like he did last September. In the playoffs, they'll mostly sit him for Verdugo. Like they did last night. All part of their plan, very Machiavellian, very devious. They want to keep The Martian down in the minors as long as they possibly can. So next year, they'll keep him in the minors again until maybe the last two weeks of the season. To keep that free agency clock from getting started. Winning a championship? HA HA HA HA! It's all about finances with HAL & Co.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Yep, just as he had finally started to pitch well.

The Hammer of God said...

Ahhhhh, just like old times again! Gettin' beat up by the Orioles. Sittin' their best players on the bench or in the minors to keep their free agency clocks from starting. So it turns out that the only thing wrong with the Orioles was that they hadn't played the Yankees in a while. Orioles can't beat anyone else. Can't score against anyone else. Can't throw zeros against anyone else. Except our 2024 Bronx Bums.

AboveAverage said...

Gleyber seemed to be a tad more cognitive of late - less miscues on the field - better at bats, and then last night happens . . .

That of course means that Cashman's off-season offer has risen from four to five years @ 12.2 million per year (61 total)

HoraceClarke66 said...

Hammer is dead on about The Martian. All this, "We won't have him up here until he can have uninterrupted playing time..." and then he's sitting behind Flopsie. Ridiculous.

Incredibly, the Yanks have managed to play the entire 2024 season like it's an extended spring training...and yet have not challenged or developed anybody!!!

For all we know, Rumsfeld could have been the next Tino, Durbin the next Altuve, Cabrera the next...well, Gio Urshela, and Peraza the next Sir Didi. The Martian, if he is a potential superstar, could have been playing like that instead of Flopsie.

But no could do. Instead, we had to watch one sap after another predictably flounder and flail, and falter and fail. And now we get to see them do so in the playoffs.

The Hammer of God said...

This surge the last couple months has earned him a Cashman mega deal. Probably something like 5 years, 100 mill.

And to think that Judge re-signed with these bums for 9 years, only 360 mill. That really cracks me up! Not sure what Judge was thinking there. 'Course, I'm mighty glad that he fucked up his contract negotiations and re-signed. Maybe HAL never would've gone up to 10 years, 450 mill.

The Hammer of God said...

Yeah, Hoss, when I think about the things they're doing to fatten their bottom line, and pissing away any chance of a championship, it's making me sick to my stomach. I can't take any more of their fiascos. That's why I've been trying not to pay any attention to what their doing. They think they're puppet masters, pulling everyone's strings. This is not the New York Yankees franchise that we all grew up with. Excuse me whilst I vomit: pfaugggghhhhhhhh!

AboveAverage said...

Hammer - Allow me to say that I was quite impressed that you were able to expurgate it all with just one pfaugggghhhhhhhh . . . great job!

HoraceClarke66 said...

It WAS impressive! And hey, don't worry about Nestor: Pal has prepared for this. We have Stroman ready to step right in! Wait, where's the vomitarium again?

Yankee Daddy Roger said...

I was pleading with the TV-- after Kreamer walked Soto and Judge. Please, please bun. Please. We are down by a run. Move the runners up. Don't let Andujar kill the nascent rally. But the TV didn't listen. We need to go back to the days before cable, before digital, those years in the fifites and early 60's when TVs had rabbit ears and they listened to our championship prayers. Yes. I blame not Boone, not Gleybar. I blame television.

JM said...

Amen, Roger.

edb said...

We sure did, along with the putrid base running and the awful bullpen.