Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The $10,000 piddle

Remember that poor guy who got booted from Yankee Stadium for trying to take a leak during the National Anthem?

New York City will pay him $10,000 to settle the suit. It'll fork over another $12,000 to the New York Civil Liberties Union.

The cheapskate Yanks won't cough up a thin dime. They claim the ushers are told to let you through, if it's coming out of your ears.

Moral of the story: If you gotta go, show it.


Anonymous said...

Since when does "God Bless America" become the National Anthem?
And why can't we just join Tony Romo as he sings "Take Me Out to the Ballgame”?

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, on LI, a family of US citizens who just happen to be of Mexican descent had federal agents knock down their door because they had a tip they were illegal aliens. But, hey, now we can all tinkle in peace during the 7th inning stretch.