Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Yanks honor Travalena, Storm, keep dead celebrity streak alive

To the Yankiverse:

Certainly, the recent string of victories has brought bittersweet cries amid the echoes of our celebratory gunfire.

We are undefeated -- 5-0 -- since America's most beloved celebrities began dying.

Ed McMahon. Farrah Fawcett. Michael Jackson. Gayle Storm. Fred Travalena.

Five wins. No losses... (aside, of course, from our celebrities.)

Today, we at IIH feel compelled to breathe a sigh of contemplation.

If winning baseball games requires a celebrity to die... well... no sir, that's not what we want.

No, never, nada.

Baseball is merely an illusion. Death to a celebrity is quite real.

No star of stage or screen has died today.


Perhaps our winning streak must die... so somewhere, a star can continue to shine.

UPDATE: Sit down, everyone, for some absolutely terrible news: Fayette Pinckney is dead.


Joe said...

no love for billy mays?

MillerCoors Huggins said...

At least is wasn't Shelia "Turd" Ferguson that passed.