Monday, January 4, 2010

Cone Gone?

WTF is going on in the Yankees, anyway?

Should we collect canned food, because the Steinbrenners obviously have no money whatsoever.

Not sure what to think. Maybe Coney used the wrong fork. Did he steal somebody's wife? What gives?

Last winter, everything with did exhuded power. This year, we're always cutting corners.
Maybe Brett Gardner can announce games, if he's not in left field.


She-Fan said...

Very upsetting news. I can tell by your typo!

Anonymous said...

I heard they may replace him with Cody Ransom

dadlak said...

Is this really so bad? The writer recommends that YES fans listen to John and Suzyn. Who wouldn't want to hear "you can't predict baseball" for the 8 millionth time?

Anonymous said...

maybe its cuz coney said some crazy things like "jerking off" and looked hung over every time he was on air?

will miss the crazy bishop beater

Joe DePastry said...

Really pisses me off that the freaking Mets actually have much better and more objective tv announcers that the Yankees do.
And watching YES with the radio on doesn't work because they are out of sync.

Anonymous said...

I will miss his comments that may or may not have been intentionally inappropriate.