Friday, April 8, 2011

John's Takeaway Points from Horrible Day

Seriously, I don't want to be negative... but who DIDN'T see this coming?

John's take:

1. Robbie Cano has picked up right where he left off, and that's good news for Yankee fans!

2. It's a long season, and it's way too soon to count out anybody, but the Yankees have to get Phil Hughes straightened out.

3. Bartolo Colon really has to be smiling. And when he's smiling, he makes everybody happy. He could mean a lot to this Yankee team!

4. It's a long season, and it's way too soon to worry, but the Yankees have to figure out a lefthander in the bullpen. 

5. The Hebrew Home at Riverside is really nice. The rooms are like a luxury hotel. The social life is like an ocean cruise.


Alph said...

And Colon is smiling because he gave up the two runs that lost the game?

It would still be 6-6 if he pitched better.

Unknown said...

I don't know where to post this so I will post it here. Sterling, commenting on Manny's 'retirement', is concerned that he has been able to put away enough money to support his family.

What a jerk you are Sterling.

Stang said...

The grounds of the Hebrew Home are just like a college campus.

Joe De Pastry said...

what about the overrated teix flubbing a dp ball?