Sunday, September 15, 2024

A day of reckoning is here


I hate to be a Floyd Chicken Little. Really. There's nothing worse than a fan who assigns way too much significance to one series, one game, one at-bat. It's stupid. What happens today will not dictate the final standings in the AL East. It's just another game. Sort of. 

But today, we will learn whether the 2024 Yankees are the best team in the AL, as their record suggests, or a .500 team that plays .500 ball against another .500 team. Are we better than Boston, or not? 

If we can't beat the raggedy  Redsocks, at home, after taking the first two of a series - well - what suggests this team will suddenly find its stride and win in the postseason? 

Pitching? Ha. Timely hitting? No way. Tradition? C'mon... 

Likewise, today, the sad and disappointing NY Football Giants play the exceptionally sad and disappointing Washington Commanders. It's sort of a litmus. If they cannot beat Washington - well - it will be long and woeful season. Another long and woeful season. 

Certainly, a lot will happen between now and Nov. 1, when MLB is finished, and the NFL is reaching midseason stride. But I cannot help but believe that - by then - we will look back and realize that what happened today told us all that we needed to know. 


AboveAverage said...

"Uh, uhm, you know, uhm, its uh, you know, uh, uhmI, you know, uhm, uh - yeyeah!”

JM said...

--The Book of Boone, 19:4-9

DickAllen said...

“Clearly, that was a mistake,” Cole said. “I think that I bought into the plan going into it, but afterward, it was the wrong move.”

Unbelievable. The brain trust actually planned to intentionally walk Devers. So much for brains.

Who are these morons? Have they ever really played the game?

And it was a mistake? Really? What tipped you off?

AboveAverage said...

Gerrit uhm was, aaah uhm
like you know
uhm out there

AboveAverage said...

Once upon a time
I was a broadcaster
My speech was clearer then
But uhm you know
Not as a manager

My brain
Has turn to mush
I’m confused
And out of touch
Why don’t they fire me today
So I can just go away


JM said...

On top of Cole's yellow streak against a guy who's striking out one-third of the time lately, we have Cora--the cheating asshole--trying to make the HBP of Devers in the first a horrible, terrible example of intentionally hitting a batter. What a desperate little fuck. The Red Sox deserve a weasel like him. May he never get to the postseason again.

JM said...

Me, I'm just a lawnmower. You can tell me by the way I walk.

JM said...

C Ben Rice 3-3, 2 HR, 3 RBI, 3 R, 2 BB — walk-off two days ago, a pair of bombs yesterday and both of them were over 400 ft. bombs

When Rizzo is gone, maybe give him a shot. If Hal and Cashclown want to keep Soto, they'll have to trim a lot of salary. Torres, gone. Rizzo, gone. Vertigo, gone. Trevino, gone. Give DJ his release. Sorry, Grisham, maybe you're pretty decent if you can play every day or so, but not here. Will anyone take Stroman in a trade? Who knows. Let guys who are in a walk year walk. Restock with kids, use Oswaldo more (maybe at third), move Jazz to second, Peraza isn't sucking, but haunted by the idea he's a AAAA star. Get rid of bullpen guys who aren't Hamilton and Weaver. Save money by using more Scranton arms in the pen.

If they fired the manager and hired someone cheaper, that would help, too. Of course, that won't happen. Probably none of it will.

DickAllen said...

Based on Gleyber hitting 300 since going back to lead off, the Intern will sign him to at least a 5-year deal.

And today is a must-win. Hell, from here on out, every game is must win.

BTR999 said...

I think Rice should get another shot. Success @ AAA and in MLB are two very different things, but the worst possible outcome would be to bury him at SWB. Play him or monetize him as best you can by trading him. And what of T.J. Rumfeld? He has been the most consistent performer for SWB this entire season. Will he be left to wither away?

HoraceClarke66 said...

Yeah, I was going to say, we are nowhere near assured that Gleyber will be going anywhere.

And yes, JM, Rice should get a real shot at first, while Cabrera should get one at third, and Peraza should be allowed to challenge the fast de-evolving Volpe at short.

But they won't.

JM said...

TJ and Durbin. But what are the odds?

JM said...

We have two studies in frustration to watch today, the Yankees and the Giants. This is why God made commercial breaks. We can flip back and forth, if we dare.

BTR999 said...

Pretty sure the team will re-sign Torres. They’ll try to lowball him, but he’ll be back.

DickAllen said...

What the devil is wrong with Boooooone? The Sux are starting a right handed and what does he do? He puts Trevino behind the plate.

DickAllen said...

Oh, of course, you don’t want to let a catcher start a day game after a day game

DickAllen said...

What a horrible throw

DickAllen said...

Jiminy Cricket. The Yankees might lose this game with Trevino behind the plte