Friday, September 13, 2024

Game Thread ~ Its Friday the 13th ~ Beware the YoukillusVerdugo!



Rufus T. Firefly said...


Not all flashbacks are good ones. Thanks for the brown acid.

AboveAverage said...

Rufus ~

Don't blame me ~ blame the rear ~ I mean front office . . .

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Vertigo over the Martian?

Not in my universe.

AboveAverage said...

B E W A R E !

AboveAverage said...

This WELLS guy might be ok . . . .

AboveAverage said...

Disappointment with Boone's late inning decision making: 87%

AboveAverage said...

Gleyber's pre-pitch raised leg kick is very, very silly

AboveAverage said...

Cutting to the pov of the umpire cam whilst he’s cleaning off home plate is also very, very silly

AboveAverage said...

Remember what I posted earlier about Torres…..same thing

Stang said...

One good thing about Apple is you can choose a synced-up radio feed for audio. Except this guy calling the game with Suzyn sounds like the MC at an accounting firm awards ceremony.

BTR999 said...

My Wife scored a free 3 month trial of Apple, so looks like we’re getting the game. No matter what channel they’re on, they’re still not hitting

JM said...

I didn't know that, Stang. Thanks.

BTR999 said...

As far as I can tell, outside of a few good shows, Apple’s subscribers content is very slim

AboveAverage said...

Totally agree, Stang. OH and you can stand down on running for president. I think that’s covered now BUT thank you for your service!

AboveAverage said...


Doug K. said...

Watching Detriot pitcher with a perfect game against balt.

Doug K. said...

1-0 game in the 8th. No just a no hitter. They just took him out. Sucks

Doug K. said...

bullshit really.

BTR999 said...

Per Keefe, Verdugo has set a new season record for most ground outs to the left side of the infield..

That I can believe.

BTR999 said...

Torres just stood there and watched the ball go past him🤨

BTR999 said...

Boone with another non-move just cost the Yankees the game.

AboveAverage said...

Each non-move by Boone is a movement of another sort

JM said...

I take it that Schmidt gave up the homer, and not Leiter Fluid.

JM said...

Was watching The Old Man.

AboveAverage said...

Wow lose Leiter

JM said...

Leiter Fluid gave up that one. Good night, Irene.

BTR999 said...

Yeah, Lighter just gave up one of his own 4-0

JM said...

Feel the burn.

AboveAverage said...

Make sure Irene is well tucked in, OKAY JM?

Rufus T. Firefly said...

That sounds like a Bo Diddley beat?!?

JM said...

Jesus, Vertigo?

JM said...

Hmmm.... yes, I'm sure she will be, AA.

JM said...

Thank God, he walked.

JM said...

Gleyber not sucking.

JM said...

Booser should have laid off the booze today.

JM said...


Kevin said...


AboveAverage said...


JM said...

Late inning come from behind salami.

AboveAverage said...


JM said...

Our bullpen has to get six outs without giving up a run. What are the odds?

JM said...

Tigers beat Baltimore.

AboveAverage said...

Bring in Clayber - build back up his confidence

AboveAverage said...

Dream Weaver!

JM said...

Weaver is pretty good, ain't he?

AboveAverage said...

96 on the corners - yeppers

JM said...

Better than Charlie Weaver and Dennis Weaver combined.

JM said...

Thuuuuuuuuh Yankees win!!

AboveAverage said...

I love this weaver dude

BTR999 said...

Leave it to Weaver!

Pocono Steve said...

Woo hoo!

JM said...

I like it!

BTR999 said...

Judge did it with a blast from his nostril!

BTR999 said...

Even Nancy Newman looks good after a win like this! (Ok, I might be getting a little carried away now)

HoraceClarke66 said...

Good! Great! But...Gleyber does know he's allowed to move at second? Right?

HoraceClarke66 said...

And harroo, hurray! Stroman sent to the bullpen!! Logic! Science!

AboveAverage said...

How about a cold shower?

Kevin said...

Maybe Judge goes on another forty game tear?