Saturday, September 14, 2024

Game Thread ~ Big Game . . .



BTR999 said...

Hate seeing all the empty seats in Millionaire Row.

AboveAverage said...

Guess they’ve been priced out

BTR999 said...

Or at the Wall Of Candy that Hoss spoke of.

AboveAverage said...

Hopefully we start hitttttin’

DickAllen said...

The Intern is going to sign Gleyber to a five-year deal for Christmas

AboveAverage said...

Each run is a like a miracle

JM said...

How did Vertigo not get to second on that hit? Did he stop to admire it? Or is he that slow?

AboveAverage said...

Interesting choice that intentional walk, followed up with the steal of second base

BernBabyBern said...

He’s that slow.

Greetings from the first-base-side seats, everyone

AboveAverage said...

Slipped when he rounded first. Might’ve been an allergic reaction to his cleats

AboveAverage said...

Where exactly?

BernBabyBern said...

Section 213 …. and why the fuck was the intentional walk about. That strategy really paid off

AboveAverage said...

Ugh - look what happens when Boone starts to think.

JM said...


AboveAverage said...

Michael Kay just said that that inning was not for the DVD. Golly what a talent.

BernBabyBern said...

Hey, maybe they’ll intentionally walk Devers again! Why not?

AboveAverage said...

HaHaHa - Cold Head Case Cole vs Devers the Magnificent

Publius said...

I think maybe the Yanks' ace is a head case. Maybe.

JM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JM said...

Ya think?

AboveAverage said...

So weird

Publius said...

If the IBB was management decision, well, that's baked in. They're idiots. But if the Cy Young ace just decides not to compete against a guy who has had some success against him, then melts down completely...that's an enormous problem. That's nervous breakdown, put him on anti-anxiety meds, don't leave him alone stuff.

AboveAverage said...

He already is on meds - they’re going to have to increase his dosage

BTR999 said...

He hesitated for something

JM said...

Ace my ass.

BTR999 said...

This one’s over. Time to go out in the late summer sunshine,

JM said...

Glad I recorded the last Indiana Jones movie. It's not great, but it's better than this game.

ranger_lp said...

Just got home. No Star Cole showed up…

Publius said...

ranger, this was bizarre. Concerning, on a human level. An elite professional athlete just had a nervous breakdown, in game.

13bit said...

We have systemic problems from top to bottom. To co-opt an odious term from this latest and greatest Gilded Age - we have generational problems.

BernBabyBern said...

This whole game changed the moment Cole signaled for the walk on Devers.

I just hope the whole season didn’t pivot on that. It’s like we went from “We have the defending Cy Young winner as our ace” to “we have a gutless head case as our ace.”

Publius said...

The captain is a hero in a pennant race September game against a rival. The next day, the ace leaves us all wondering whether he's merely a self-involved emotional weakling, or has real psychological issues.

"It's baseball" doesn't do justice to the 2024 Yankees.

JM said...

Jesus, this is still going on? Enough already.

AboveAverage said...

Hey Bern - shame that you had to experience this wretchedly rancid display of ineptitude. How would you summarize the overall experience?

BernBabyBern said...

This was the revenge for the long winning streak I was on before last year’s meetup. I was riding I believe a nine-game winning streak, so I can’t bitch too much. And I got a cab after the game, so that’s something.

BernBabyBern said...

A brutal game. It’s the intentional walk and its aftermath sucked the life out of the whole stadium.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Bern, you really took one for the team (us here at IIH, IIF, IIc