Thursday, September 12, 2024

With three weeks left, the Yankee Ownership Team has achieved its objective

Tonight, Boston visits Gotham - the battle of clam chowders - seeking to salvage a rather abysmal Redsock season. The frat boys sit four games out in the Wild Card and, to worsen matters, the Tigers - one game ahead - are the AL's hottest team. 

Boston will face the usual Bronx welcome - boos, taunts, threats to family and maybe even a fly-by C-cell battery. The September finale used to bring fights - on the field and in the stands. When the suits drew up their 2024 schedule, they surely didn't foresee Boston two games above .500, and - to be fair - probably didn't expect the Yankees to be (with Cleveland) atop the AL.

And, fuck, neither did most of you. With 16 games left, the Death Barge will probably finish 2024 with 91-to-95 wins. As the partial chart to the right indicates, eight of you are in the running for IIH 2024 Poster Child, depending on the last three weeks. (I predicted 86 wins. So much for that.) 

But before tonight's hysteria begins, let's take time to congratulate the Yankee front office/ownership team: They have achieved their Primary Objective for 2024: 

Stay relevant until October. 

That might seem a modest goal for a storied sports franchise, but last year, relevance was a bridge too far. Then, on the weekend of September 14th, the Yankees hit Boston with a 73-73 record, grinding toward 4th place in the AL East, 19 games behind Baltimore. We were a traveling shit show. 

So, shine up the participation trophy. The Yankees are guaranteed to play through the second week of October, guaranteeing sellouts and media self-worship. Like most of you, I see good and bad in that. It's been 10 years since the Yankees spent like the Yankees, and for all their success this season, it's hard to imagine our bullpen holding leads in mid-October. This year will likely end with a walk-off hit and opponents celebrating at home plate. In the end, that would obscure everything, raising heartaches, as Altuve's 2019 shot still does.  

But for the Ownership Team, it doesn't matter. This year goes down as a success. Yes, they want a ring. The Yankiverse grows angrier every failed season, and I suspect that Hal must sneak through the kitchen in his favorite restaurants, for fear of receiving a soup shower.  

But it doesn't matter. As Bill Murray would chant, it just doesn't matter. 

For the people atop the Yankee shit pile, mark the 2024 objective as ACHIEVED. 


JM said...

Hal's insidious parity plan has paid off once again. But when we start facing guys like Lugo in the playoffs, we'll crumble like a fire ant tower in a heavy rainstorm.

But we'll be "contending."

Piiax said...

Hal the zero man.

AboveAverage said...

What do you suppose Hal’s favorite condiment is?

Celerino Sanchez said...

As George Bush said “mission accomplished”

BTR999 said...

Why is Verdugo still playing? Does he have nude photos of Boone’s wife? Oh, wait…

JM said...

Hal likes Marshmallow Fluff. Especially in a Fluffernutter.

AboveAverage said...

JM - now come on.......those were really wonderful, tasty treats. I adored eating them (had less than a dozen in my lifetime). Now - if Hal like those as well, he must have had something else in them, so additional component that the non-billionaire class weren't privy to growing up. I could see lightly pan seared, chocolate covered, Tahitian crickets sprinkled evenly as a crunchy middle layer in between two slices of fresh from the bag Home Pride butter top white bread. This might explain the condition of his teeth prior to the 90 grand worth of dental work.

AboveAverage said...

keyboard acting up again - time to replace it

JM said...

I, too, enjoyed a number of Fluffernutters as a kid. But I could never eat one today. Hal, on the other hand...

HoraceClarke66 said...

I see what you did there, Triple-9. Pretty funny. Flopsie is not, unfortunately.

JM said...

We face the Amazing Criswell tonight. With Nestor.


13bit said...

Are we not allowed to talk about the Boston pee tapes?

AboveAverage said...

Given that Nestor is our "opener" tonight, 13Bitter - please feel free to . . .

DickAllen said...

I'm confused. When the Yankees hired Boooooone, I thought him being a baseball lifer, and from a baseball family, that he knew something or two about the game, and yet, he continues to make baffling choices. He had Trevino behind the plate last night in spite of Wells being superior in every measurable offensive stat. And don't get me started on "pitch framing," a suspect category to begin with. I don't understand how Trevino can be anything but splinters.

Now, if that wasn't bad enough, last night in extras, Booooone decides to pinch hit Wells against a lefty when...well, he got the job done (thanks to the KC left fielder having a chicken arm) ...but who is making these kinds of decisions?

Everything I thought I knew about baseball is topsy-turvy with this management team. Are they reinventing the game? Or am I just getting old?

DickAllen said...

Maybe don't answer that last question

AboveAverage said...

we won't

13bit said...

Are we not men?

JM said...

We are Devo. But you knew that.

JM said...

Wonder which assholes are doing the game for Fox. Hope Smolz is not involved.

JM said...

Fuck Ken Rosenthal. Fucking weasel. I'll never forgive him for ambushing Pete Rose when he was finally allowed to be at the All Star game. Little shit.

JM said...

Goddamn it. Smoltz. Can't stand him.

Can't stand Fox Sports in general, but special feelings for those two.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

JM speaks for many of us.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

...and by "us", I mean we are Devo.

JM said...


Rufus T. Firefly said...

This should be the line-up for the rest of the year. But put Oz in a 2B often.

JM said...

Nestor might be unraveling.

JM said...

Ok, guess not. 36 pitches in two innings. Has to bring that down.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

The Martian should never play in the minors again.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

...and I hate that the website 'update' scrolls to the top of the page when you post. Then you have to scroll down to see new comments.

JM said...

I know, design flaw. Damn coders.

JM said...

Judge seems to have a power brownout. The ball goes deep into the outfield often enough, it just dies like a quail in front of the wall. Odd.

JM said...

That was some DP by Jazz.

JM said...

Danny Jansen hits a home run off Cortes. Jansen is hitting .208.

JM said...

Nestor has been going downhill in this game the last couple innings. It was visible.

13bit said...

Who do you love?

AboveAverage said...

Don’t really care for any part of these recent updates

JM said...


JM said...

Somehow, Cortes keeps getting out of his self created jams.

13bit said...

I walked 47 miles of barbed wire...that's a hint, JM...who do you love?

13bit said...

tonight is the night of unanswerable, rhetorical questions. Is this love, baby, or just confusion? who could ask for anything more? what could possibly go wrong? who's your daddy? when are Hal and Brian going to get a divorce?

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Among others, George Thorogood, and Bo Diddley.

But not in that way...

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Not soon enough.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

It's got that Bo Diddley beat...

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I would not care for them if I were a bear.

Or a long hair.

Or if my hair was fair.

But don't despair.

Just use nair.

In you lair.

JM said...

George Thurogood. Didn't Bo Diddly do the original? I knew from your first clue.

JM said...

Think of the kids. The ones in the analytics department.

Doug K. said...

13 - Why does it hurt when I pee?

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I believe Bo wrote it, but the Thorogood version is pretty good.

The clock on the wall says three o'clock, so I'm going to have one bourbon, one scotch and one beer.

...and then enter rehab.

JM said...

Hamilton looks like 2023 Hamilton.

JM said...

Hill on the hill. Crazy play.

JM said...

Kahnle having an uh-oh moment.

JM said...


JM said...

He's not Ken but he's kinda Kensley.

AboveAverage said...

Offense please

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Oh fuck. Welcome to roulette. Manfred innings!

DickAllen said...

With Holmes warming up

JM said...

I'm too tired. Tell me what happened tomorrow.

Doug K. said...

Did they just say HOLMES!!!!!! WTF!!!! Seriously is thee something wrong with Boone? I mean like he is actually mentally ill.

DickAllen said...

Come back JM - I was going to make cappuccino!

Hinkey Haines said...

Here comes the pineapple.

Doug K. said...

gleyber error coming

Hinkey Haines said...

I guess you can’t predict (Yankee) baseball.

Hinkey Haines said...

I guess we can’t predict (Yankee) baseball.

BernBabyBern said...

Question for the folks in NYC ... How difficult is it to get an Uber or a taxi after an afternoon game near the stadium? I''m going to be headed to the stadium with a friend and he wanted to take the Amtrak into the city to Penn Station, and taxi or uber to and from the Stadium and back. I've heard mixed things online about how feasible this is. (He does NOT want to take the subway). Is this going to be a major hassle?

Pocono Steve said...

Woo hoo! Air hockey's fun when you win!

BernBabyBern said...

Beating the redsocks is always fun

DickAllen said...

Nice way to end the night.

Pocono Steve said...

Lolz. Holmeslice gets the win.

Kevin said...


Hinkey Haines said...

Yankees scored twice tonight: first batter, & last batter.

Kevin said...

Nice to watch the FCKNGSUX lose a ballbreaker! Makes the malenky hairs on my arms stand up.

BTR999 said...

Last call…for Al-co-hol

BTR999 said...

It shouldn’t be

HoraceClarke66 said...

Wait, no one said "Yankees Win!" Oh, I guess I just did.

HoraceClarke66 said...

BernBabyBern, I don't usually take Ubers, but getting a taxi near Penn Station to the Stadium should not be hard. Just go to the taxi line that starts at 8th Ave and 34th. It generally moves pretty fast.

Coming's a little more chaotic. But there are drivers these days who actually try to buttonhole fans as they leave the Stadium, asking if they want a car. No idea how reliable they are, but they don't look nefarious.

BernBabyBern said...

Thanks, Hoss.

AboveAverage said...

Bern - Maybe Soto or Judge can give you a lift back into town. Respectfully decline if Gleyber, Verdugo or Clayber offer you a ride. Life is to precious.

AboveAverage said...

Winny is in Guatemala harvesting coffee beans

HoraceClarke66 said...

Gleyber takes the subway these days, as he accidentally dropped his less car down an open manhole. Thank you, thank you, ladies and germs!