Sunday, September 8, 2024

Game Thread ~ Remembering that other "Donnie Baseball"



AboveAverage said...

Cole is working on a birthday bust.

AboveAverage said...

Nail biter or sleep inducer…..

JM said...

Everyone else could shut out the Cubs. Except for our best starter.

Meanwhile, Cy Young is keeping our offense down.

ranger_lp said...

There was a debate before the season whether or not the NY Football Giants are the worse team in the NFL. I think that debate is over...

JM said...

Canjog benefits from the sun.

JM said...

They suck in mid season form, Ranger.

AboveAverage said...

Had Jazz sprinted down first on that dropped strike out, a player with average speed could have taken third on the throw to first. No sir - that didn’t happen.

JM - check out the message I left you in the previous thread.

BTR999 said...

Here fresh off the Giants debacle Our offense still asleep I see 😴

BTR999 said...

Sprinting? LOL! Not on this lazy team where there neither responsibility nor accountability

JM said...

Yeah, I don't think our hands are going to protect us, AA. Jesus.

JM said...

Recap: offense generated three runs on Friday, two runs yesterday, and one run today.

The big guys not big at all lately.

JM said...

Cousins doesn't suck most of the time.

AboveAverage said...

Good movement

AboveAverage said...

If we had a different (better) manager we likely would have won between 10-15 more games due to smarter moves and expected hustle.

JM said...

Soto Judge Wells. If only they were hitting. If only Judge was clutch in the late innings. If only we could sweep anybody.

JM said...

AA, precisely.

JM said...

Almost, Wells. Almost.

AboveAverage said...


JM said...

Uh oh. Clay foot.

Doug K. said...

I am officially off what was left of the Daniel Jones train. Bench him. I don't want to see him again. I remain off the Gleyber train suck as it is. DO NOT resign him. Now I'm stuck watching Holmes in a one run game.

AboveAverage said...

Why not run immediately

AboveAverage said...


JM said...

Baltimore loses, we lose.

JM said...

Doug, between Jones and Dubal calling the plays, it's a recipe for disaster.

BTR999 said...

Volpe ends it with a typically overmatched AB

BTR999 said...

Nothing to see here, just another lazy, unfeeling performance on getaway day. Hit the clubhouse spread, hop on the chartered luxury jet for a short flight home, with plenty of time to hit the bars and have a hooker sent to the room.

BTR999 said...

I was neutral on him until last year, signing him to thar contract was a blunder of cashman-like proportions

AboveAverage said...
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AboveAverage said...

Why wait for the room, BTR?

(and here I wuz thinking Zim would bring us luck today)

13bit said...

Nobody on this team seems to care about winning. They seem fine with breaking our hearts. They are all getting paid more money than I'll ever see. Why do I linger? In fact, it's time for a new haiku:

Why do I linger?
On this shameful stage of ours?
loyalty can kill.

AboveAverage said...
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Rufus T. Firefly said...

How Gleyber Cano still has a starting position is baffling to me.