Monday, September 2, 2024

" We Almost achieved One of our Goals..."

 It was Boone's prayer to hold the Cardinals under 20 hits for the day.

But that last dinger shut the door on that dream.


TheWinWarblist said...


JM said...

Results don't matter. The process is sound.

AboveAverage said...

Here comes the magic

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Results do matter...

...on the balance sheet at HAL Inc.

ranger_lp said...

Cole has more runs just in case he starts throwing batting practice…

Hinkey Haines said...

Here comes the vaunted Yankee bullpen to the rescue.

AboveAverage said...

It’s nice having CONE back in the booth ( in Texas ) of all places

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I really, really wish glassman would hit a homerun when the game was on the line. ...or even close.

Maybe we should call him *stat*man instead of glassman.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Cone is the best YESman they have.

AboveAverage said...

Hello Rufus - hope all it terrific in your world

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Still livin' the dream. ...well, except for HAL's Yankees.

JM said...

Hey, Glassman almost hit a grand slam when we were behind late yesterday. Was it only yesterday? No, maybe the day before. But it was a bases clearing double.

And he has added a meaningless homer tonight. His non home run hits tend to be more meaningful.


JM said...

Cone should be our manager or pitching coach, at the least.

AboveAverage said...

I’ve been saying that for years, JM!

JM said...

I've caught up, finally!

JM said...

Holmes? With this lead?

Still making me a little nervous.

JM said...

With good reason, looks like.

JM said...

Jesus Christ. He is so not a closer.

ranger_lp said...

Yankees Win!!!

JM said...

Holmes sucks.

TheWinWarblist said...

Boone is on the post game. I want to punch and kick him in his stupid fucking face.

Fuck "Booney."