Thursday, July 3, 2008

John Sterling Pitiful Victory Cry Over Texas: 4.25 seconds

This is sad.

You have to wonder if the Yankees really won the game.

Still, though... it beats this 2.27 second ditty from Tuesday night.


michael kei said...

1st one sounds so monotonous... Almost like Suzyn was holding a gun to his head and made him say it, because we all expect Mr. Sterling to say it.

Expectation is the key word here. Expectation of Santa showing up with that brand new toy... and it's actually underwear and a t-shirt...

Who wants that "Voice of the Yankees"? What. Is. With. That?

Sean said...

John, that was very lame. I'm used to you having a lot more energy than that. You must of felt sick or something.

Anonymous said...

I think John forgot The Yankees won.