Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cashman Reverts To Failed Strategy As Gift To Hank and Hal

In a sudden withdrawal from a formula which mixed youth with experience, up and comers with superstars, and speed with power, Brian Cashman has reverted to a strategy guaranteed to result in failure.

He is now re-building the Yankee franchise based upon past and buried credentials.

Cashman clearly believes that the more long-term veterans on a team, the better the chances.

Of what, exactly?

The trade for Eric Hinske is the latest evidence of a Cashman strategy to add age and experience in favor of youth, energy and prospective greatness.

In one bold move, Brian has not only traded away two 23 year old prospects for a worn down 32 year old has-been, but depleted the active Yankee roster of a 23 year-old who was exceeding expectations everytime he was given an opportunity to play.

The best defensive shortstop on the Yankees since we blew off Ozzie Smith, Pena will now learn how to play the outfield in Scranton.  

Why not have him pitch, I say? 

 Let's take his natural and well-developed skill set and neutralize it.  Hell, let's ruin it.

Make him another no position guy whom we can then package with a no talent guy ( I'm thinking Ian Kennedy here ), and get back anyone over 36 years of age.

Hinske was such a loser that he couldn't play for the last place Pirates.  Now we get him to sit around. Face it, Brian, you already got taken to the cleaner with your last Pirate's deal.  You think this one will even things up?

 Maybe the Yankees can fashion an all beer league outfield, with Hiske and Swisher at the corners and Molina in center.

It is now clear that when Molina returns and Cervelli gets sent down ( to learn 3rd base no doubt), there will be no one who it is actually exciting to watch.

 We already know what to expect from Derek, Jorge, A-Rod, Damon, etc. and I'm quickly tiring of Joba's 5+ innings, 3-4 earned runs, a 91 mph fast ball and 106 pitches as a starter on the rise.

What's next?  

Why not send Phil Hughes back to Scranton to work out at first base,when Damaso Marte comes back?  

 Brian has to get something out of Marte or he will forever be a laughing stock as a GM wheeler dealer.  And, I'm just sure Marte will be " lights out" now that he has recovered 
( I'm sorry; what was his injury exactly?  Couldn't pitch.)  Oh.

Don't even think about what Cashman will do come the trading deadline.  Goodbye Austin Jackson, for one thing.  

Get ready to welcome Barry Bonds to the new stadium.  That right center alley is inviting.  And think of the publicity for the Yankees.  Barry Bonds hits 800th HR at age 54 !!!

One month until the Giants begin training camp.


Coach said...

Alphonso, you are the worst. Everytime I start to really enjoy the site you come along and bring your doom and gloom. You're like that dude who gets drunk in the middle of a party and brings everyone down with stories about how Michael Jackson used to molest him. Enough already. You and Fatcessa should go jerk one another off to old videos of Joba in the pen and stop polluting the airwaves and this site with garbage.

el duque said...


You have to understand something about Alphonso: He is the most pessimistic Yankee fan in the world.

Unknown said...

Wow, this must be the only place in the world in which Erickson and Fryer are prospects. I'm sure they'd love to hear that.

This post is ridiculous.

Coach said...

I pray that the spirit of Sterling comes over him and everytime he wants to post something he just hears, "It's an a-bomb from...Matsui..." He then smiles and remembers that everything will be ok.

el duque said...


Alphonso is old school. He believes that by predicting bad things, they won't happen. He has been doing this for 40 years.

It has won us 26 rings.

Mr. Number Man said...

We've (actually they've) only won 6 in forty years.

Statman Crothers said...

il duque, I agree with the Number man.

Mr. Number Man said...

Thank you veddy much.

JM said...

Alphonso is often over-the-top pessimistic in my book, but man, is he right about Hinske.

Everything he says in this post is dead -on.

Long may he drink Cerveza.

Stang said...

Alphonso is the only Yankee fan in the world who predicted that neither Hughes nor Kennedy would get a W in 2008. He's the only Yankee fan in the world who was right.