Friday, August 14, 2009

John Phones in from Seattle

A 4.59 WinWarble, to be expected, you'd guess, considering the 11-1 score and the long ride to Seattle.

Still... we ARE in a pennant race, are we not?


Brian said...

He definitely mailed that one in.

Ghost of S.B. said...

Disappointing. John can't let up too many of these especially in pennant race time

adam said...

To be fair, given the run differential and the lack of a Bruney K, the model predicted a 3.92 second warble. He continues to shine despite the conditions he warbles in, really.

dadlak said...

John has to be careful. If he unleashes a 8 sec warble for a 10-run win in Seattle, what would be expected for a walk-off win vs. the Red Socks at home? 12 seconds? Hyperventilation?

I know you're supposed to give 110% very night, but given his age, John can be cut a little slack here.

Larry said...

The caffeine must have worn off because his call of the first Matsui Home run was off the charts, sounded like he was traveling with the ball.

He did make up for it tonight with a solid win warble.