Monday, August 10, 2009

John Sterling Scientific Analysis of Pitching to Leadoff Batters

You wanted to know: Is it wise to walk the leadoff batter?

We put it to the Master.


Global Voyager said...

the master sang a nice version of "memories" tonight in the late innings...maybe the 8th?

It was a keeper if you missed it

BernBabyBern said...

Wait a minute.

Among John's Great Laws of Baseball is this:

Bad things always happen when you walk the leadoff batter ...

BUT this also a Great Law:

... you can NEVER predict what's going to happen in baseball.

I feel like the robots in that Star Trek episode: "If you walk the leadoff batter, then you can predict bad things will happen ... but you can never predict what will happen in baseball .... but bad things are predictable when walking a leadoff batter ... but it's baseball, so I cannot predict that ... illogical, ILLOGICAL!!!"

... then my head explodes.

Kenny Phelps said...

But "bad things" is pretty wide open. You can't predict what the bad things are so John's still correct.

BernBabyBern said...

I knew John would be correct ... he always is.

My limited mind was having a hard time figuring out exactly how, though.