Monday, August 3, 2009

Let's Give El Duque August Off From Elections !

I know there are people out there who will consider this suggestion, "Un-American."  Anti-Democratic.  Against the Constitution.  A usurpation of individual rights.

Nonetheless, I think we could all agree to agree that Melky Cabrerra is the Yankee of the month for August.

His "hitting for the circuit" feat of yesterday, puts him in the company of Bobby Murcer, Joe D, Mickey Mantle, and Joe Gordon.

Of course, knowing that this IIH,IIF,IIc approbation has a similar, career threatening impact on the chosen athlete  as being on the cover of SI, Melky should be our " secret " winner.

We can hold a sham election in August without Melky's name on the ballot.  Just include a list of losers whom we want to see back in AA ball.  Or selling asphalt shingles at Home
 Depot ( perhaps some of our recent number one draft picks will qualify).

My vote is for Jesus to get the August award in recognition of the finger he broke in the dyke last week, attempting to save Trenton from the great flood. 

If we can make this one, summer-induced, anti-democratic concession, El Duque will not have to agonize about the "list" of nominees. 

 He can just chill and give no thought to those radicals in our midst who challenge him on every ballot.  He can simply chug a growler and laugh.  And enjoy August.

No matter what happens, I don't see us winning any regular season games from Boston.

So, we'll need a stress reliever for that.


Anonymous said...

"Nonetheless, I think we could all agree to agree that Melky Cabrerra is the Yankee of the month for August."

Farewell and adieu to you fine Spanish ladies,
Farwell and adieu all you ladies of Spain;
For we've received orders to sail for old England;
And perhaps we shall never more see you again.

el duque said...

The people shall decide, because the people are wise.

Austin Powers said...

EOTM? Only if he has another video come out.