Wednesday, August 12, 2009

WTF? Yanks win day game, shattering plans of vacationgoers to listen to John tonight

This is criminal. Who is running this show, anyway?

I was planning to listen to tonight's game, to devote considerable vacation time to the systematic, empirical analysis of the Yankiverse, and now what? They played this afternoon.

Why? What are we supposed to do tonight? Watch some Yankees Classic? We don't need Yankees Classics. This season is a Yankees Classic. We're playing the best ball we've played in five years. Are we supposed to watch Jim Leyritz hit a home run, while we cheer? Jim Leyritz is in jail. Are we supposed to watch David Cone throw a perfect game again? How many times can we watch David Cone throw a perfect game. It's bad enough that every other night on YES, Michael Kay asks him to remember his perfect game.

Who did this? Who said that on a vacation week, let's screw the good people who have the sense to take a few days off, and let's deny them a Yankee game at night, so they can escape from the sunburn and the cocktail hour excesses for a few miserable moments and hear what's happening? Was it Bud Selig, the $18 million per year commissioner? Who did it? And yes, I HAVE been drinking, and Yes, I HAVE maybe had a few too many today, but dammit, I'm on vacation, it's hot outside, and I was planning to listen to the game tonight, and dammit, who did this?

We won? We had BETTER win. That's all I can say. They're goddamm lucky they won, because had they lost... well... I'm not going to say what would have happened had they lost.

What? Another beer? Make it a Stella. Excuse me, while I kiss the sky.


Anonymous said...

Usually the Red Sox will play at night when the Yanks play a mid week day game. So I watched that tonight.

Very disappointed.

Alibi Ike said...

Aw, go pound a couple more, then head out for a boat ride after dark. That's what summer fun's all about.

Agitated Alph said...

Hey Duque,

Have six for me. I'm stuck here in the City with nothing much about which to complain.

And that sucks.