Friday, September 20, 2024

Game Thread ~ SELL?



Rufus T. Firefly said...

On average, the magic 8 ball says yes.

AboveAverage said...

Four Fingers Cole on the Oakland bump tonight.

Let it be written - Let it be said

13bit said...

Grab your socks and drop your cocks! It's time for Yankees baseball. In Bonnie Boonie we trust! Thank God for Hal! God bless our faultless, blameless and immaculate GM, Brian "The Brain" Cashman, and their merry band of nitwits.

BTR999 said...

Fast First

Doug K. said...

What the fuck is going on with Gleyber? He's like gold glove out there?

BTR999 said...

Verdugo with his 500th G/O to the left side, this time a DP

BTR999 said...

Honestly? It’s excruciatingly boring to watch this lineup. KO, GO to the leftside…

Hinkey Haines said...

The Yankees aren’t going to score another run this season, are they.

Hinkey Haines said...

Told you.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

But, um, I, uh, think that, um, they've been getting good looks at the ball and, um, getting some good swing.

I think, um, that a lot of these guy, er, a pretty close to turning it around.

The future is ahead of us. Otherwise it would be the past.

Hinkey Haines said...

Um, time is, like, a flat circle, so, um, the past is also, like, the future, so, um, we’re actually already World Series champs.

BTR999 said...

Get Holmes up and let’s blow this thing!

DickAllen said...

Cole throws a Maddox and he might not even get the win

JM said...

Cole threw for nine? I'm impressed.

And Soto and...Volpe?

And Vertigo bunted? Successfully?

What the hell is happening?

DickAllen said...

Volpe is 3-4 tonight

DickAllen said...

Mercury is in retrograde. Or maybe Oakland

Hinkey Haines said...

Get your pineapples ready.

DickAllen said...

My sphincter is already twitching

JM said...

Weaver is the best we have. At least Boone didn't use Holmes.

JM said...

Dream Weaver two Ks so far....

JM said...

Three. Thuuuuuuuuh Yankees win!!

DickAllen said...

Our new closer

Hinkey Haines said...

That was a big Yankee win.

BTR999 said...

Leave it to Weaver!

BTR999 said...

Cole pitched like an Ace tonight.

BTR999 said...


HoraceClarke66 said...

Flouncy likes to make problems for himself, I think, in order to "bounce back." But hey, a win is a win.

AboveAverage said...

All of the Bay Area rejoices in the Yankees Win!

Sources from Japan report sightings of a giant flying reptile making its way across the Pacific towards central California. More on this as additional information becomes available. Authorities advise people to stay indoors until further notice. That means YOU!