Thursday, September 4, 2008

Did he really say that?

Carl Pavano, after Wednesday night's game:

"I'm disappointed in myself. I think I cheated my team tonight."


Anonymous said...

I hear Cashman is so impressed with Pavano's post game interviews lately that hes going to pick up his 09 option. Freeing the team up to trade our starting douchebag Ian Kennedy for some CF relief.

Anonymous said...

My greatest fear was that Pavano would come back, pitch well, lead the Yanks to the playoffs and get picked up for the option year. Except for the playoffs, the rest of my fears seem to be coming true.
Go Carl! Way to maximize those wins for another big payday! Except for his 18-8 year, I think he's, at best, what, a .500 pitcher? Just goes to prove, if you have young boys, teach them to pitch - and there's your retirement plan!