Thursday, May 14, 2009

She-Fan Named Official IT IS HIGH Publicist

Frankly, she's the only person who ever publicized us, so she wins the job by default.

Today, we are mentioned in the NY Times "Bats" blog, courtesy of She-Fan.

She writes about her recent trial by fire, which goes blahblahblahblah.... The It Is High blog parodied the day’s headlines with “Yanks hire Bristol Palin to stop team pregnancy.” Blahblahblahblahblah...

How can we thank her?

We'd name her "IT IS HIGH Employee of the Month," except for the dark curse the designation brings.

We'd post "She-Fan line of the day," except that only gets us into trouble.

Therefore, we can only promo her book. Here's a quiz:

In week 16 of her adventure, She-Fan dashes off an email to somebody named Jason Zillo, saying she is the author of 13 published novels, she has a contract for a nonfiction book about the Yankees, she recently had a piece in the New York Times, and she'd like press passes.

Guess Zillo's reply:

a) "Thanks for your inquiry. The Yankees treat professional writers with respect, and although we can't supply everyone with free passes to every game, we'd be delighted to extend what courtesies we can. Call me."

b) "Thanks for your inquiry. Can you send pictures of yourself?"

c) "Thanks for your inquiry. Unfortunately, we receive scores of similar requests throughout the season, and because of the overwhelming demand of media coverage, this is simply not something we can pursue."


BernBabyBern said...

Wait a minute ...

How come all the other blogs have links to their site ... EXCEPT OURS!?!?

I bet Zillo is behind this, too.

el duque said...

She has vowed to sue.

We could own the paper, except we don't need that kind of debt.

Whitey Fraud said...

You are sooo easy Dirk.

Fonzy said...

I have pictures !!!!

She-Fan said...

I was so mad about that non-link! Nobody let me proof it first! FORGIVE ME.

BernBabyBern said...

It's OK, She-Fan. We weren't ever mad at you. No need to apologize. Anyway, I figured it was just payback for Alphonse adding all those bottles of tequila to your tab in Florida.

Zillo, however, is still on our shit list.


Whitey Fraud said...

I will let you slide on this She-F.